07 May 2009

Infectious Disease Presentation

Infectious Disease Presentation
Presentation by:Jennifer Coleman
T & C II

Comparison of 20th Century Annual Morbidity and Current Morbidity, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (pre-1990 Vaccines)
Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Polio (paralytic)
Annual Morbidity
Comparison of Pre-Vaccine Era
Estimated Annual Morbidity and Current Morbidity,
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (post-1990 Vaccines)
Meningococcus (invasive)
Influenza (<5 years)
Pneumococcus (invasive)
Hib (invasive)
Hepatitis B (acute)
Hepatitis A
Pre-Vaccine Era Estimated Annual Morbidity
Invalid Contraindications to Vaccination

* Minor illness
* Mild/moderate local reaction or fever following a prior dose
* Antimicrobial therapy
* Disease exposure or convalescence
* Pregnancy or immunosuppression in the household
* Premature birth
* Breastfeeding
* Allergies to products not in vaccine
* Family history (unrelated to immunosuppression)
* Chickenpox
* 10-21 day incubation
* Contagious 1-6 days prior to rash until all vesicles are crusted over
o Causes fluid-filled vesicles with elevated temp. and intense itching
* Tx: Antihistamine, antipyretic, ?Acyclovir
* Vaccine – Live virus, 12 months and 4-6 yrs.
Coxsackievirus Infections
* Herpangina – virus
* S/Sx: High temp to 105 for 1-4 days, difficulty swallowing, very sore throat, cough, vomiting, HA, abdominal pain, small, grayish vesicles on tonsils, soft palate and uvula, disappear after temp
* Tx: Analgesics, antipyretics, soft foods, cool liquids

Erythemis Infectiosum
Haemophilus Influenza, Type B
* Measles
* Contagious 4 day prior to rash to 4 days after rash starts
o High fever, cough, red rash
o Recognized by presence of Koplik spots on buccal mucosa
* MMR - Live viral vaccine at 12 months and 4-6 yrs.
Epstein Barr virus

* Mononucleosis – Incubation 2-8 wks
* S/Sx: chills, high fever (6 days), HA anorexia, malaise, lymphadenopathy, severe sore throat, petechiae on palate, spleen and liver may enlarge, rash
* Tx: Bedrest with acute stage, force fluids, no contact soports until spleen normal, fatigue up to 6 weeks

Pneumococcal infection
Roseola Infantum

Streptococcus A
Helpful Websites

* www.vaccinesafety.edu/
* www.vaccineinformation.org/
* www.cdc.gov/nip/default.htm
* www.immunizationed.org/
* www.hibdisease.com
* www.pertussis.com

Infectious Disease Presentation.ppt


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