02 May 2009

Functional Neuroanatomy

Functional Neuroanatomy

Neurons and Glial Cells
Brain Cell Structure and Categorization
Synapse Function
Axonal Transport
Information Flow
Glial Types and Functions

Histological Techniques
* Golgi Stain
* Nissl Stain
* Immunocytochemistry
* Track-tracing (horseradish peroxidase)

Neurons and Glials

* Brain Cells – 2 types
* Characterization
o Shape
o Size
o Function
* Organization

Neuron Components

* Dendrites
* Soma
* Axon Hillock
* Axon
* Terminal Button(s) (Bouton)

Neuron Characterization

* Shape
* Size
* Function

* Monopolar
* Bipolar
* Mutipolar

Neuron Size
Neuron Function
* Sensory
* Motor
* Interneuron
Basis of the Synapse

* Pre-synaptic Zone
* Post-synaptic zone
* Synaptic Cleft
* Synaptic Vesicles
* Dendritic Spines (size & number can be altered)
* Receptors
Axonal Transport
* Afferents (toward area) / efferents (away from area)
* Saltatory Transport (along microtubules, neurofilaments & microfilaments)
* Anterograde
* Retrograde

Glial Function
Glial Types

Functional Neuroanatomy.ppt


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