29 March 2010

Computers in Medical Education

Computers in Medical Education
Roles of computers in medical education
* Provide facts and information
* Teach strategies for applying knowledge appropriately in medical situations
* Encourage the development of lifelong learning skills

* Students must learn about physiological processes
* Must understand the relationship between observed illnesses and underlying processes
* Must learn to perform medical procedures
* Must understand the effects of interventions on health outcomes

Basic curriculum
* Premedical requirements
* Medical school
o Basic
+ Physiology
+ Pathophysiology
o Clinical
* Residency

Teaching strategies
* Lecture
* Interactive

* Presentation of a situation or body of facts containing core knowledge
* Explanation of important concepts and relationships
* How does one derive the concepts
* Why they are important
* Strategy for guiding interaction with the patient

Weaknesses of traditional approach
* Rapid knowledge growth
* Reliance on memorization rather than problem solving
* Reliance on lecture method

* Computer assisted learning
* Computer based education
* Computer assisted instruction

Advantages of computers in medical education
* Computer can augment, enhance or replace traditional teaching methods
o Rapid access to body of information
+ Data
+ Images
+ Immersive interfaces
o Any time, any place, any pace
o Simulated clinical situation

* Interactive learning
o Active vs. passive solving
* Immediate student specific feedback
o Correct vs. incorrect, tailored response
* Tailored instruction
o Focus on areas of weakness
o Request help in interpretation
* Objective testing
o Permits standardized testing
o Self-evaluation
* Fun!

* Safe exploration of what-if in a well done scenario
o You can do things with simulated patients you can’t do with real ones

Case variety
* The ability to experience disease scenarios one otherwise wouldn’t see
o Simple: diabetes
o Complex: multiple disease, multiple medications
* Manage diseases as they evolve over time
o Rapidly evolving problems
o Chronic diseases

Problem-solving competency
* Book smart vs. real-world
* Memorization vs. thinking
* Testing
* Right answer vs. cost-effective vs. safest vs.quickest (fewest steps)

Board examinations
* USMLE test
* CME testing

History of CAI
* Pioneering research in the 1960’s
o Ohio State
+ Tutorial evaluation system
# Constructed choice, T/F, multiple choice, matching or ranking questions
# Immediate response evaluation
# Positive feedback
# Corrective rerouting
+ Authoring language
* Barnett MGH 1970
o Simulated patient encounters
+ 30 simulated cases
o Mathematical modeling of physiology
+ Warfarin, insulin, Marshall
o Dxplain
* University of Illinois
o Computer aided simulation of the patient encounter
+ Computer as patient
+ Natural language encounter
* Illinois 1970’s
o Programmed logic for automated teaching (PLATO)
+ Plasma display (required specialized equipment)
+ Combination of text, graphics and photos
o TUTOR authoring language
* University of Wisconsin
o Used simulated case scenarios and estimated the efficiency of the student in arriving at a diagnosis (cost-effectiveness)
* Initial installations site limited
* Subsequent modem dial-up
* Proliferation of medical CAI, CME development entities
* Development of the internet
o Initial material bandwidth limited
o Increasing use of streaming video

Modes of CAI
* Drill and practice
* Didactic
* Discrimination learning
* Exploration vs. structures interaction
o Hyperlink analogy
o Requires feedback/guidance
* Constrained vs. unconstrained response
o Student may have a pre-selected set of possible response (learn to answer questions)
o Student may be able to probe system using natural language
* Constructive
o Put the body together from pieces of anatomy
* Static vs. dynamic
Static simulation
Dynamic simulation
Feedback and guidance
* Feedback
o Correct vs. incorrect
o Summaries
o References
* Guidance
o Tailored feedback
o Hints
o Interactive help
Intelligent tutoring
* Sophisticated systems can
o Intervene if a student goes down an unproductive path
o Gets stuck
o Appears to misunderstand a detail
o Mixed initiative systems
o Coaching vs. tutoring
Graphics and Video
* Storage of images, video etc as part of a multimedia stream
o General appearance
o Skin lesions
o Xrays
o Sounds (cardiology, breath sounds)
Authoring systems
* Generic authoring systems
o McGraw Hill, Boeing
o Simple (constraints) vs. comprehensive (difficult to master)

* Lister Hill
* Stanford anatomy
* Digital anatomy
* Penn curriculum
* Medical matrix
Continuing medical education
* Echo
* Visible human
* Eye simulator
* Other simulators
* Forces for change
* Impediments
o Cost
o Immaturity of authoring tools
o Bandwidth
o Barriers to sharing
+ Institutional jealousy
+ Copyright
* Lack of standard approach
o Authoring software
o Platform
* Explicit integration of CAI into curriculum
* Access to PC’s and LAN

Computers in Medical Education.ppt


Radiation Safety Oversight of Surgical Procedures

Radiation Safety Oversight of Surgical Procedures Involving the Use of RAM
By: René Michel, M.S., RSO
VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA

* The objective of this presentation is to review the various Radiation Safety aspects of a typical medical procedure that involves the use of radiological agents.
* Lymphoscintigraphy (LS) is a medical procedure for the treatment of malignant melanoma and mamma-carcinoma.
* The goal is to identify which sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) have been infiltrated by tumor cells
* The objective of this presentation is to determine what basic radiation safety controls are needed.
* ALARA, dosimetry, contamination control, radioactive waste, etc.

* Radioactive Drugs Used
* Overview of the Procedure
* Radiation Exposure
* Contamination Control
* Recommendations

Radioactive Drugs
* Many radiopharmaceuticals have been evaluated for and used in LS studies
* The ideal drug, must have the following characteristics:
* Small and uniform particle size
* Short half-life
* Low LET
* Appropriate energy for gamma imaging
* 198Au colloid was one of the first widely used drugs in LS
198Au Characteristics
Particle size: 3-5 nm
Half-life: 2.7 d
Emissions: 412 keV photons plus beta particles
* 198Au was replaced by other agents with the increased availability of 99mTc
* Antimony trisulfide, albumin, human serum albumin, sulfur colloid and nano-colloid
99mTc Characteristics
Particle size: 3-90,000 nm
Half-life: 6 h
Emissions: 140 keV photons

Procedure Overview
* There are three stages in Sentinel Node LS
1) Lymphatic Mapping
2) Intradermal Blue Dye Injection
3) SLN Biopsy
Lymphatic Mapping
* The surgeon injects about 1 mCi of 99mTc unfiltered sulfur colloid intradermally near the lesion.
* The colloid is taken up by the lymphatic system and the patient is imaged with a conventional gamma camera.
* About 20 min from injection dynamic scanning is performed
* A late phase scanning done 90 min after injection shows the location of the SLNs.
* The location of the node is marked on the skin of the patient

Blue Dye Injection
* The patient is moved to the OR to perform biopsy
* To assist in identifying the nodes draining the site of interest, a blue dye is injected

SLN Biopsy

* A surgeon uses the skin mark and a scintillation probe to relocalize the highest area of uptake
* A dissection is performed through soft tissue to remove “hot” nodes located by the gamma probe
* All excised nodes are sent to the pathology lab for histological examination to asses for invasion by tumor cells

Radiation Exposure
* Nuclear Medicine personnel are excluded from this evaluation, they are already closely monitored.
* Radiation exposure to OR and Pathology personnel and the potential for spread of contamination are considered the main radiation safety concerns.

Hazards Control-Radiation Exposure
* The expected radiation exposure to personnel from handling SLN radioactive specimens is very small
* 10-15 SLN procedures/year are performed in most large medical centers
* Several studies have documented dosimetry data
Average whole-body radiation dose equivalent/procedure for hospital personnel from malignant melanoma and mamma-carcinoma SLN surgery with typical activities.
* A surgeon's hand dose has been reported to be 10 mrem (Miner et al. 1999)
* The pathologist’s hand dose is even smaller, ~ 4-6 mrem (Veronesi et al.1999)

Hazards Control- Contamination
* The residual activities a day post surgery are <0.3 mCi for tumor-specimens and <50 nCi for SNLE (Kopp and Wengenmair 2002). * These activities are relatively fixed to the tissue, they do not produce contamination that exceeds the allowed levels. * Standard universal precautions used to prevent infections are sufficient to avoid any kind of incorporation in the bodies of those handling specimens. Specimen Control * Under 10 CFR 20.1905 (NRC 2002), labeling is not required for containers holding less than 1.0 mCi of Tc-99m * Labeling is also exempted if only authorized personnel have access to containers, provided a written record identifies the contents. * Specimen quarantine before gross examination is unnecessary since the level of exposure to personnel is not a safety concern. * Despite the simplicity of the guidelines, each institution is expected to develop and implement procedures for handling radioactive specimens. * Awareness training documentation for all individuals handling these specimens is also necessary. Recommended Guidelines 1. Follow standard universal precautions (e.g., wear hospital gown, surgical gloves, etc.). 2. Using forceps, place all radioactive specimens removed from the patient in a sealed container. 3. In addition to the patient’s name and specimen number, label all resected primary site specimens with the name of the isotope (e.g., 99mTc), date and time when it was collected 4. Maintain security of specimens at all times 1. Upon completion of the surgical procedure, all instruments (e.g., forceps, scalpels, etc.) having had direct contact with the radioactive specimens should be cleaned following standard procedures. 2. All specimens should follow the normal biomedical waste stream and be surveyed before disposal to ensure that radiation levels are not distinguished from background References Radiation Safety Oversight of Surgical Procedures.ppt


Emerging Infections and Medical Procedures

Emerging Infections and Medical Procedures
By:Lennox K. Archibald, MD, PhD, FRCP
Hospital Epidemiologist, University of Florida

Parasitic Infections:
Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis and Treatment

The Reality
* 1.3 billion persons infected with Ascaris (1: 4 persons on earth)
* 300 million with schistosomiasis
* 100 million new malaria cases/yr
* At UCLA, 38% of pediatric and dental clinic children harbored intestinal parasites

Infections Deaths

* Organisms that cannot survive outside their host, AND they cause some harm to the host.
* Contrast with commensal organisms
* Incredibly complex organisms
* Consider the struggle for survival from the perspective of a parasite

Giardiasis (G. lamblia)
* Should be suspected in prolonged diarrhea
* Contaminated water often implicated—outbreaks
* Campers who fail to sterilize mountain stream water
* Person-person in day care centers
* Symptoms usually resolve spontaneously in 4-6 weeks
* Tests of choice
o Examination of concentrated stools for cysts (90% yield after 3 samples); usually no PMNs
o Stool ELISA, IF Antigen (up to 98% sensitive/90-100% specific)
o Consider aspiration of duodenal contents--trophozoites
* Treatment: Metronidazole for 5-7 days

Entamoeba histolytica
* One of 7 amoebae commonly found in humans
* Only one that causes significant disease
* Causes intestinal disease (diarrhea and dysentery) and extra-intestinal disease (liver primarily)
* In US, often seen in institutionalized patients, MSM, tourists returning from developing countries, patients with depressed cell mediated immunity
Cyst (wet mount)
* Diagnostic smear: trophozoites in liquid stools, cysts in formed stools
* IHA important in liver abscess
o Intestinal: 95% predictive of active infection
o Extra-intestinal: 100% predictive of active I infection

Amoebiasis: Clinical Manifestations
* Symptoms depend on degree of bowel invasion
o Superficial: watery diarrhea and nonspecific GI complaints
o Invasive: gradual onset (1-3 weeks) of abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, tenesmus
* Fever is seen in minority of patients
* Can be mistaken for ulcerative colitis
* Steroids can dramatically worsen and precipitate toxic megacolon
* Amebic liver abscesses
o RUQ pain, pain referred to right shoulder
o High fever
o Hepatomegaly (50%)

Amoebic abscess—remember…
* Can occur in lung, brain, spleen
* That stool is merely a convenient vehicle passing by
* Amoebae live the bowel wall
* Direct observation preferable to mere examination of stool
* Trophozoites best seen in direct scrapings of ulcers
* Liquifaction of liver cells
* Do not contain pus
* Anchovy paste sauce
* Culture of contents usually sterile
* Liver affected
o 53%--right lobe
o 8%--left lobe

Amoebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica)
* Most respond to metronidazole
* Open surgical drainage should be avoided, if at all possible

Cryptosporidium parvum
* Causes secretory diarrhea: 10 liter/day
* Significant cause of death in HIV/AIDS
* Animal reservoirs
* Incubation period: 5-10 days
* Infants and younger children in day-care centers
* Unfiltered or untreated drinking water
* Farming practices: lambing, calving, and muck-spreading
* Sexual practices that brings a person into oral contact with feces of an infected individual
* Nosocomial setting with other infected patients or health-care employees
* Veterinarians: contact with farm animals
* Travelers to areas with untreated water
* Living in densely populated urban areas
* Owners of infected household pets (rare)

Diagnosis and Treatment
* Best diagnosed by stool exam
* There is no known effective treatment-nitazoxamide shortens duration of diarrhea
o Infectious disease specialist - for consideration of antiparasitic and antiretroviral therapy
o Gastroenterologist - ERCP and sphincterotomy; endoscopy sometimes required for diagnosis
o General surgeon - suspected acalculous cholecystitis

Falciparum vs. Vivax
* Location: Falciparum confined to tropics and subtropics; vivax more temperate
* Falciparum infects RBC of any age; others like reticulocytes; only 2% infected cells
* Falciparum infected RBCs stick to vascular endothelium causing capillary blockage; fewer schizonts in the periphery, heavy pigment deposition, cerebral and renal disease
* Vivax and Ovale may reinfect hepatocytes, leading to a persisting tissue phase, causing relapses
* Sickle cell trait protects against Falciparum
Malaria: Genetic susceptibility
* Two genetic traits associated with decreased susceptibility to malaria
o Absence of Duffy blood group antigen blocks invasion of Plasmodium vivax
+ Significant number of Africans
o Persons with sickle cell hemoglobin are resistant to P. falciparum
+ Sickle cell disease and trait

Malaria: Clinical manifestations
* Non-specific, flu-like illness
* Incubation
* Fever is the hallmark of malaria
* Fever occurs after the lysis of RBCs and release of merozoites
* Febrile paroxysms have 3 classic stages
* Other symptoms depend upon the strain of malaria
* P. vivax, ovale and malariae: few other sxs
* P. falciparum:
* Always suspect malaria in travelers from developing countries who present with:
o Influenza-like illness
o Jaundice
o Confusion or obtundation

* Giemsa-stained blood smear
* P. falciparum:
* Others:
* Examine blood on 3-4 successive days
* Key of diagnosis is to identify P. falciparum
* New assays: o ELISA for antigen, immunoassay for LDH, PCR
* Anemia, elevated LDH, increased reticulocytes, thrombocytopenia
* Elevated unconjugated bilirubin without increases in hepatic enzymes
* Elevated serum creatinine, proteinuria, hemoglobinuria, hypoglycemia

Differences in strains
* P. falciparum
* P. vivax and ovale
* P. malariae

Early troph--ring
Mature troph
* P. falciparum malaria can be fatal if not promptly diagnosed and treated
* Pts with no immunity against P. falciparum require hospitalization
o Pregnant women, young children, elderly
* Non- P. falciparum malaria rarely requires hospitalization
* Widespread drug resistance dictates regimen (www.cdc.gov/travel; CDC malaria hot line: 770-488-7788).
* Uncomplicated malaria
o Drug options
+ Chloroquine phosphate
+ Mefloquine
+ Quinine sulfate plus doxycycline
+ Atovaquone plus proguanil (AP)
+ Artemisin derivatives
* P. vivax, ovale, malariae, chloroquine-susceptible falciparum
+ Chloroquine
+ Primaquine

* Chloroquine
* Mefloquine
* Doxycycline
* Atovaquone plus proguanil (AP)
* Screens, nets
* 30-35% DEET
* permethrin spray for clothing and nets

And don’t forget baggage malaria!
* Tropical areas where phlebotomine sandfly is common:
o South America
o India
o Bangladesh
o Middle East
o East Africa
* Sandfly introduces flagellated promastigote into human ingested by macrophages develops into nonflagellated amastigote
* Intracellular parasite controlled by Th1-type CD8+ response
Leishmaniasis: Clinical Manifestations
* 3 forms: visceral, cutaneous, mucosal
* A single species can produce more than one syndrome, and each syndrome is caused by multiple different species
* Visceral (kala azar)
o Species most prevalent in different places
# L. donovani – India
# L. infantum – Mid East
# L. chagasi – Latin America
# L. amazonensis -- Brazil
* Cutaneous
* Mucosal
Visceral Leishmaniasis
* Dissemination of amastigotes throughout the reticulendothelial system of the body
* Opportunistic infection in AIDS patients
* Ineffective humeral response
Splenic aspirate
* Most satisfactory method
* Spleen must be at least 3cm below LCM
* PT not more than 5 secs longer than controls
* Platelets >40,000
* 21 gauge needle
* Aspirate stained with Giemsa

Leishmaniasis: treatment
* Only drug approved in US is Amphotericin B
* Outside US: pentavalent antimony (sodium stibogluconate)
* Treatment of cutaneous disease depends on anatomic location
* Many spontaneously heal and do not require treatment
* If no mucosal disease and areas of no cosmetic concern:
o 15% paromomycin or 12% methylbenzethonium chloride
* Mucosal, progressive lesions or cosmetically sensitive locations:
o Pentavalent antimony or ketoconazole

* The factors determining the form of leishmaniasis:
o Leishmanial species
o Geographic location
o Immune response of the host

Toxoplasma gondii
* Worldwide distribution
* Human infection
* Prevalence of latent infection in US about 10%; France about 75%
o Generally higher in less-developed world
* Eating oocysts excreted by cats harboring sexual stages of parasite
* Outbreaks traced to inadequately cooked meat of herbivores (raw beef)
* Mutton
Toxoplasma gondii: life cycle
Immunocompetent hosts
* Latent infection (persistence of cysts) is generally asymptomatic
* Cervical lymphadenopathy (10-20%)
* Mono-like presentation (<1% of all mono-like illnesses) * Chorioretinitis * Very rare: myocarditis, myositis Toxoplasma gondii: Immunocompromised hosts * Often life-threatening * Almost always reactivation of latent infection * AIDS o Encephalitis most common manifestation o Usually subacute onset/focal (if CD4< 200) o Mental status changes, seizures, weakness, cranial nerve abnormalities, cerebellar signs, o Can present as acute hemiparesis/language deficit o Usually multiple ring-enhancing lesions on CT/MRI * Pneumonitis * Chorioretinitis Toxoplasma gondii: Clinical manifestations * Immunocompromised hosts o Non-AIDS (transplants, hematologic malignancies) * Congenital * Acute infection asymptomatic in mother * Clinical manifestations range: no sequelae to sequelae that develop at various times after birth o Chorioretinitis o Strabismus o Blindness o Epilepsy, mental retardation, pneumonitis, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, spontaneous abortion, stillbirth Toxoplasma gondii: diagnosis * Clinical suspicion crucial * Serology is primary method of diagnosis o IgM, IgG * Histopathology o Tachyzoites in tissue sections or body fluid (difficult to stain) o Multiple cysts near necrotic, inflammatory lesions Toxoplasma gondii: Treatment * Immunocompetent adults are usually not treated unless visceral disease is overt or symptoms are severe and persistent * Immunodeficient patients * Congenital: Ascaris lubricoides Ascaris lumbricoides * In GI tract, few symptoms in light infectionst. * Pulmonary: symptoms due to migration Effects of Adult Ascaris Worms * Depends on worm load * Effects * Toxic and Metabolic Ascaris lumbricoides Diagnosis * Characteristic eggs on direct smear examination * If treating mixed infections, treat Ascaris first o Mebendazole 100 mg bid x 3 days o Pyrantel 10 mg/kg single dose * Control: o Periodic mass treatment of children, health education, environmental sanitation Enterobius (Pinworm) * 18 million infections in U.S. * Incidence higher in whites * Preschool and elementary school most often * Mostly asymptomatic * Nocturnal anal pruritis cardinal feature due to migration and eggs * May have insomnia, possible emotional symptoms * DS-eggs or adults on perineum {scotch tape} * Mebendazole 100 mg. Repeat in 2 weeks. Pyrantel pamoate 11 mg/kg; repeat 2 weeks Strongyloides Strongyloides: Crucial Aspects of Life Cycle * Infection acquired through penetration of intact skin * Infection may persist for many years via autoinfection * In immunocompromised patients, there is risk of dissemination or hyperinfection o Hyperinfection syndrome Disseminated Strongyloidiasis * High mortality 75% * Penetration of gut wall by infective larvae * Gut organisms carried on the surface of larvae results in polymicrobial sepsis, meningitis * Larvae disseminate into all parts of body: CNS, lungs, bladder, peritoneum Summary—Clinical Findings * Defective cell-meditated immunity: steroids, burns, lymphomas, AIDS (?) * Gl symptoms in about two-thirds: o Abdominal pain o Bloating o Diarrhea o Constipation * Wheezing, SOB, hemoptysis Summary—Clinical Findings * Skin rash or pruritis in ~ one-third * Eosinophilia 60-95% * Less if on steroids Hookworm * Hookworm responsible for development of USPHS * Caused by two different species (North American and Old World) * Very similar to strongyloides in life cycle * Attaches to duodenum, feeds on blood * Elaborates anticoagulant, attaches and reattaches many times * Loss of around 0.1 ml/d of blood per worm Cutaneous larva migrans (creeping eruption) * Caused by filariform larvae of dog or cat hookworm (Ancylostoma braziliense or Ancylostoma duodenale * Common in Southeast U.S. * Red papule at entry with serpiginous tunnel * Intense pruritis * Self limiting condition * Diagnosis clinical * Topical or oral thiabendazole 25 mg/kg bid for 3-5 days * May use ethyl chloride topically * More common in children o Larvae penetrate skin and cause tingling followed by intense itching. * Eggs shed from dog and cat bowels develop into infectious larvae outside the body in places protected from desiccation and extremes of temperature * Shady, sandy areas under houses, at beach, etc. Usually not associated with systemic symptoms * Diagnosis and treatment * Skin lesions are readily recognized * Usually diagnosed clinically * Generally do not require biopsy # Reveal eosinophilia inflammatory infiltrate # Migrating parasite is generally not seen * Stool smear will reveal eggs Visceral Larva Migrans * Infection with dog or cat round worms * Toxocara canis; Toxocara catis * Underdiagnosed based on seroprevalence surveys * Heavy infections associated with fever, cough, nausea, vomiting, hepatomegaly, and eosinophilia * Uncommon in adults * Ocular type more common in adults * Diagnosis-ELISA * Thiabendazole: 25 mg/kg bid X 5 days Echinococcosis Hydatid Disease Echinococcosis * Clinical manifestations: o Most patients are asymptomatic + Dx’d incidentally on an imaging study o Sxs generally develop when the hydatid cyst reaches 8-10 cm (often over decades) + Compress vital structures + Erode into biliary tract or bronchus o Cysts can become superinfected o Leakage or rupture can result in anaphylactic reaction  fever, hypotension Echinococcosis * Diagnosis: o US, CT or MRI + Characteristic hydatid cyst with septated daughter cysts + May see head of the tapeworm o ELISA + Highly sensitive for liver cysts, less so for other organs Echinococcosis (Treatment) * Surgical resection of cyst * To reduce risk of spread: o Aspirate cyst o Instill hypertonic saline, iodophor, 95% ethanol to kill germinal layer and daughter cysts o No cidal agents in cases with biliary communication  risk of sclerosing cholangitis * Percutaneous aspiration-injection-reaspiration (PAIR) * Albendazole before and after surgery or PAIR Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis: Epidemiology and life cycle Schistosomiasis: Clinical manifestations Schistosomiasis: Diagnosis and treatment * Detection of characteristic eggs in stool, urine or tissue biopsy is diagnostic o Urine is best between 12N and 2Pm, passed through 10 µm filter to concentrate eggs * Antibody tests are available, but limited by sensitivity, specificity * Praziquantel is the drug of choice S. mansoni Stool S. haematobium Urine S. japonicum African trypanosomiasis Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Blood smear Tsetse fly Treatment * Suramin * Melasoprol American trypanosomiasis Blood smear Reduviid bug (assassin bug) Chagas disease: Clinical manifestations Chagas disease: Diagnosis and treatment * Acute disease is diagnosed by seeing trypomastigotes on peripheral blood smear * Chronic disease is diagnosed by ELISA detecting IgG antibody to T. cruzi * Both acute and chronic disease can be treated with nifurtimox or benznidazole * Treatment slows the progression of heart disease Chagas Disease * Public health implications in the US * Chronic o Cardiomyopathy o Megaesophagus o Magacolon * Blood transfusion * Transplant o Solid organ o Musculoskeletal allograft tissue Tapeworms (Cestodes) * Adult worms inhabit GI tract of definitive vertebrate host * Larvae inhabit tissues of intermediate host * Humans o Definitive for T. saginata o Intermediate for Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid) o Both definitive and intermediate for T. solium * Adult worms shed egg-containing segments in stool ingested by intermediate host larval form in tissues Taenia saginata * Ingestion of raw or poorly cooked beef * Cows infected via the ingestion of human waste containing the eggs of the parasite * Cows contain viable cysticercus larvae in the muscle * Humans act as the host only to the adult tapeworms * Up to 25 meters in the lumen of intestine * Found all over the world, including the U.S. Beef Tapeworm Treatment * Praziquantel * Albendazole * Niclosamide Cystercercosis * Human infected with the larval stage of Taenia solium * Humans can serve as definitive or intermediate host * Eggs are ingested, or possibly get to stomach by reverse peristalsis * Probably much more common than is reported, since most infections are asymptomatic Cystercercosis * Symptoms depend on location of cysts, but frequently include motor spasms, seizures, confusion, irritability, and personality change * In the eye, often subretinal or in vitreous. Movement may be seen by the patient. Pain, amaurosis, and loss of vision may occur. * Clinical manifestations Cysticercosis * Diagnosis o CT and MRI preferred studies + Discrete cysts that may enhance + Usually multiple lesions # Single lesions especially common in cases from India + Older lesions may calcify o CSF + Lymphs or eos, low glucose, elevated protein o Serology + Especially in cases with multiple cysts Cysticercosis * Treatment o Complex and controversial o Praziquantel and albendazole may kill cysts, but death of larvae can increase inflammation, edema and exacerbate sxs o When possible, surgical resection of symptomatic cyst is preferred o Corticosteroids vs. edema and inflammation; antiseizure meds Babesiosis * Babesiosis caused by hemoprotozoan parasites of the genus Babesia * >100 species reported
* Few actually cause human infection
* Babesia microti
* Life cycle involves two hosts:
o Deer tick, Ixodes dammini, (definitive host) introduces sporozoites into white-footed mouse
* Once ingested by an appropriate tick gametes unite and undergo a sporogonic cycle resulting in sporozoites
* Humans enter cycle when bitten by infected ticks
Deer are the hosts upon which the adult ticks feed and are indirectly part of the Babesia cycle as they influence the tick population
* Clindamycin* plus quinine
* Atovaquone* plus azithromycin*
* Exchange transfusion in severely ill patients with high parasitemia

Classification of Parasitic Diseases
* Protozoa: amoeba; flagellates; ciliates; apicomplexa; microspors (primitive intracellular parasites)
* Metazoa (two phyla)
o Helminths (worms)
+ Nematodes
# Intestinal
# Extra-intestinal
+ Flatworms (platyhelminths)
# Cestodes (tapeworms)
# Trematodes (flukes)
o Arthopods (ectoparasites): scabies, lice, fly larvae

General rules of treatment
* Protozoa: require species-specific treatment
* Metozoa: species-specific

General rules of treatment of metazoa
Mebendazole or Albendazole
Ivermectin, doxycycline
Praziquantel, Albendazole, Niclosamide
Permethrin, Ivermectin
This is just the beginning of a great adventure in infectious diseases
Sine qua non:history and physical examination

Emerging Infections and Medical Procedures.ppt

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