02 May 2009

Male Hypogonadism

Male Hypogonadism
Presentation lecture by:Michael Jakoby, MD/MA
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Endocrinology

Case study
Decrease in one or both of the two major functions of the testes.
Low/low nl
Gonadotrope failure
Testicular failure
Primary Sperm count
Gonadal Axis
Male Gonadal Function
Male Puberty
Clinical Features
3rd trimester
Incomplete virilization
1st trimester
Screening for Androgen Deficiency

* Infertility
* Sellar mass, radiation, or surgery
* Osteoporosis or low trauma fracture
* HIV-associated weight loss
* COPD (moderate to severe)
* Type 2 diabetes mellitus
* Medications that effect testosterone production
o Glucocorticoids
o Opiates
o Ketoconazle
The Endocrine Society recommends against screening for androgen deficiency in the general population

* Symptoms onset
* Testicular size
* Breast enlargement
* Behavioral abnormalities
* Chemotherapy or radiation therapy
* Alcoholism
* Visual field defects
* Medications


* Testicular size
* Pubic hair
* Gynecomastia
* Muscle mass
* Body proportions
* Fundoscopy & visual fields screening

Laboratory Testing
Secondary hypogonadism
Low sperm ct
Primary hypogonadism
Low sperm ct
Low/low nl
Gonadotropins (LH/FSH)
Semen analysis
Testosterone Measurements
Testosterone in Obese Men
Testosterone Secretion:
Comparison of Young and Elderly Men
Standard Semen Analysis
DDx: Primary Hypogonadism

* Klinefelter’s syndrome
* Gonadotropin receptor mutations
* Cryptorchidism
* Androgen biosynthesis disorders
* Varicocele
* Congenital anorchia
* Mumps orchitis
* Radiation
* Antineoplastic drugs
* Ketoconazole
* Glucocorticoid excess
* Trauma
* Testicular torsion
* Autoimmune orchitis
* Cirrhosis
* Chronic renal failure
* HIV infection
* Idiopathic
DDx: Secondary Hypogonadism

* Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
* Kallman’s syndrome
* DAX1 mutation
* GPR 54 mutation
* Leptin or leptin receptor mutations
* Gonadotrope receptor mutations
* Hypopituitarism
* Hyperprolactinemia
* Androgen therapy
* GnRH analog therapy
* Glucocorticoid therapy
* Critical illness
* Chronic illness
* Diabetes mellitus
* Opiates
* Pituitary mass lesions
* Infiltrative diseases
* Sellar surgery
* Sellar radiation
Evaluation of Men with Androgen Deficiency


Male-Female Binary and Sex Determination

Male-Female Binary and Sex Determination

Gender/Sex/Sexuality Diversity
Usual Sex Chromosomes
XXXXY Chromosomes
More than one X = Barr Bodies
Only one X is functional in any one cell
The other(s) fold up and get out of the way at the edge of the nuclear membrane
These “extra” X’s can be seen in the microscope and counted

Do Chromosomes Matter?

* Yes, but …
* Does XX make a female?
* Does XY make a male?
* Is XO male or female?
* 1/1666 not XX or XY

Do Gonads Matter?

* Yes, but….
* Do ovaries make a female?
* Do testes make a male?
* What do ovo-testes make?

Do Hormones Matter?

* Yes, but …
* XY chromosomes
* Cells can’t “read” male hormone signals
* “Feminine” development
* “Male” or “Female”?

Conventional Sex/Gender Variables

Prefers females
Prefers males
Sexual orientation
Gender role
Gender identity
Assigned gender
Prostate, testes, penis, scrotum
Uterus, ovaries, clitoris vagina


Common Genetics Problems in Pediatrics

Common Genetics Problems in Pediatrics
Presentation lecture by:Shannon Browning MD

Klinefelter Syndrome

* Occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 births
* 80% have the classic 47,xxy karyotype, with 10 % having 46,XY/47XXY mosaicism and another 10% having multiple x or Y chromosomes
* Results from nondisjunction and is often associated with advanced maternal age
* Rarely diagnosed before the onset of puberty
* Most children with KS present initially with behavior problems , abnormal puberty or infertility issues
* Typically taller than average and increased carrying angle and a relatively wide pelvis
* 30% will develop gynecomastia during in puberty
* 50% of children have speech delays and 25% have motor
* All affected males are infertile, although there are rare cases of fertility

Sickle Cell Disease

* Results from a single genetic mutation in which a nucleotide in the coding sequence of a beta-globin gene is mutated from adenosine to thymidine
* This mutation occurs in the middle of the triplet that codes for normally glutamic acid as the 6th AA of the beta-chain of hemoglobin. The single base change substitutes Valine for glutamic acid.
* The resulting mutated hemoglobin has decreased solubility and abnormal polymerization properties
* If only 1 beta-globin gene is mutated= heterozygous state which is referred to as sickle cell trait
* If both genes are mutated resulting in homozygous state and called sickle cell anemia or sickle cell disease.
* Prenatal testing for sickle cell has improved significantly over the past 2 decades.
* The newborn with sickle cell disease is not anemic initially because of the protective affects of elevated fetal hemoglobin. Hemolytic anemia develops over the 1st 2-4mo.
* Chorionic villus sampling can be performed as early as 9 wks gestation making it an earlier alternative to amniocentesis.


* Accutane embryopathy is associated with embryonic exposure to isotretinoin beyond the 15th day after conception and through the end of 1st trimester
* Isotretinoin is a vitamin A derivative that is administered orally and used for the treatment of cystic acne
* It impedes the normal neural crest migration in the developing embryo.
* This disruption in the migration of the neural crest cells leads to defects in the central nervous system, severe ear anomalies, conotruncal heart defects and thymic abnormalities
* Alcohol can cause all the above mentioned abnormalities with the exception of thymus abnormalities
* Warfarin embryopathy is a recognizable pattern of malformation. Warfarin acts as an anticoagulant because it is a vitamin K antagonist. It prevents the carboxylation of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid which is a component of osteocalcin and other vit K dependent bone proteins.
* The critical period of exposure is between 6-9 weeks.

Down’s Syndrome

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