Food Safety & Microbiology
Food Safety & Microbiology
Presentation lecture by:Dr. Hirsch
Department of Food Science
Food Processing
Food Safety and Microbiology
* Defining Food Illness
* Bad and Good Microorganisms
o Pathogens and Outbreaks
o Spoilage
o Probiotics
* Outbreaks
* Food Safety: Safe food storage and preservation
Food Safety: Foodborne Illness
o Infectious agents
+ Bacteria
+ Viruses
+ Parasites
o A toxin or chemical
+ Bacterial toxin
+ Pesticides
+ Heavy metals
+ Other chemical contaminants
Illness occurring as a result of ingesting food or water contaminated with:
Food Processing
Bad and Good of Microorganisms
Harmful effects:
Beneficial effects:
* Fermentation
o Cheese
o Yogurt
o Fermented sausages
o Wine
o Beer
o Pickles
o Sour kraut
* Probiotics
Harmful: Food Infection vs. Food Poisoning
Food infection
* Live cells delivered by contaminated food; organism multiply once food is ingested
o Salmonella; E. coli
Food poisoning (intoxication)
* Caused by preformed toxin in the food; organism may or may not be alive and growing
o Clostridium botulinum; Staphylococcus aureus
Harmful: Pathogens of Public Health Concern
* Clostridium botulinum
* Escherichia coli
* Listeria monocytogenes
* Salmonella
* Staphylococcus aureus
* Aeromonas hydrophila
* Bacillus cereus
* Campylobacter jejuni
* Clostridium perfringens
* Shigella
* pathogenic Vibrio spp.
* Yersinia enterocolitica
Specific Product Concerns
* Produce
* Imported foods
* Juice
* Eggs
Peanut Salmonella Recall More than 31 million pounds 125 items affected in salmonella probe
2006 Nationwide Outbreak of E. coli
Food Processing
Timeline of Foodborne Illness
Preventive measures
Spoilage Microorganisms: NOT Harmful
Food Spoilage Microorganisms bacteria, yeasts, molds
Microbial Food Spoilage = Changes in Food Quality
The Good Microorganisms: Probiotics
Human probiotics: where?
• Gastro-intestinal
• Skin
• Scalp
• Oral cavity
• Underarm and feet
• Urogenital
including vaginal
Expected Benefits with Consumption
• Increased tolerance to infections
• Control of diarrhea
• Reduction of blood pressure
• Cholesterol reduction
• Allergy control
• Immunomodulation
• Cancer reduction
Probiotics species
Prevention of Deleterious Microbes
Knowledge and Action
Food Handling and Food Processing
Safe Food Storage and Preparation
Major Risk Factors of Food Safety
A day in the life of…fresh Produce
Washing produce would not have prevented the E-coli spinach outbreak
Proper food storage starts at the store
Food Processing
Guidelines for Leftovers
Food Safety & Microbiology.ppt