01 May 2009

Retinopathy of Prematurity

Retinopathy of Prematurity
Medical and Surgical Update
Presentation by: Tim Stout MD PhD
Casey Eye Institute
Oregon Health Sciences University

Retinopathy of Prematurity - What is it?

An uncontrolled neovascular process in which retinal endothelial cells stop developing and die, then later, proliferate, migrate, organize, scar and cause a detachment of the retina

ROP - What is it ?

* Found in premature infants with immature retinal vasculature who have received supplemental oxygen.
* It is the most common cause of permanent blindness in children
o it lasts a lifetime
o it shares common pathophysiologic features with a variety of common diseases

Normal Human Eye
Normal Human Retina
ROP – Geography (Zones)
ROP Classification

* Stage 1 : Line separates vascular and avascular retina
* Stage 2 : Ridge (intra-retinal neovascularization)
* Stage 3 : Extra-retinal neovascularization
* Stage 4 : Subtotal retinal detachment
* Stage 5 : Total retinal detachment

PLUS Disease - dilated and tortuous retinal vessels
ROP Classification
ROP Progression
ROP Incidence - Gestational Age
ROP Incidence - Birth Weight
ROP Screening - When
ROP - Current Treatment
Surgical Treatment
ROP - Laser Technique
Laser Treatment for ROP
ROP - Scleral Buckle
ROP - Late Sequelae
ROP - Retinal Dragging

ROP is a BIOLOGIC process which we currently treat MECHANICALLY

Retinopathy of Prematurity.ppt


Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy
Presentation by:Cathy Chang
UC Sandiego

What is Vision Therapy?

* Vision therapy (visual training, vision training) is an individualized supervised treatment program designed to correct visual-motor and/or perceptual-cognitive deficiencies

Why Vision Therapy?

* Behavioral Optometrists believe that vision is a learned skill; Vision plays the largest role in learning.
“There's more to vision than just having 20/20 eyesight. A strong visual system is needed for reading, using a computer, and playing sports.”

Vision Related Learning Problems

* Physical Symptoms
• Jerky eye movements, one eye turning in or out
• Squinting, eye rubbing, or excessive blinking
• Blurred or double vision
• Headaches, dizziness, or nausea after reading
• Head tilting, closing or blocking one eye when
* Secondary Symptoms
• Smart in everything but school
• Low self-esteem, poor self image
• Temper flare ups, aggressiveness
• Frequent crying
• Short attention span
• Fatigue, frustration, stress
• Irritability
• Day dreaming

* Performance Clues

• Avoidance of near work
• Frequent loss of place
• Omits, inserts, or rereads letters/words
• Confuses similar looking words
• Failure to recognize the same word in the next sentence
• Poor reading comprehension
• Difficulty copying from the chalkboard
• Book held too close to the eyes
• Inconsistent or poor sports performance
* Social Labels

• Lazy
• Dyslexic
• Attention Deficit Disorder
• Slow learner
• Behavioral problems
• Working below potential

Amblyopia (lazy eye)

* A condition in which one eye has reduced vision; There’s a difference in visual acuity between the two eyes

Normal Vision Lazy Eye Vision
Clinical Symptoms
Early Diagnosis
Treatment Options
Strabismus (crossed eyes)
VT Approach & Techniques
Research Studies

Vision Therapy.ppt


Swine Flu Pandemic Alert Raised To Phase 5

Swine Flu Pandemic Alert Raised To Phase 5

All countries should immediately now activate their pandemic preparedness plans," said the World Health Organization Director General Margaret Chan. "It really is all of humanity that is under threat in a pandemic.

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