Renal glycosuria / Renal glucosuria
Renal glycosuria, also known as renal glucosuria, is a rare condition in which the simple sugar glucose is excreted in the urine despite normal or low blood glucose levels.
Renal Failure - Acute and Chronic
Examination of Urine
Terry Kotrla, MS
Urinalysis - Specimen Collection
Francisco G. La Rosa, MD
Urine & Body Fluid Analysis
Ricki Otten MT(ASCP)SC
Renal Tubular Acidosis
Kathleen Wren
Diabetes Mellitus
Management of Patients with renal/urinary disorders
Linda Self
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Abdelaziz Elamin
Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Practices
Diseases of the Kidney - Major Determinants of Disease
The Urinary System
118 Full text published articles
Renal Failure - Acute and Chronic
Examination of Urine
Terry Kotrla, MS
Urinalysis - Specimen Collection
Francisco G. La Rosa, MD
Urine & Body Fluid Analysis
Ricki Otten MT(ASCP)SC
Renal Tubular Acidosis
Kathleen Wren
Diabetes Mellitus
Management of Patients with renal/urinary disorders
Linda Self
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Abdelaziz Elamin
Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Practices
Diseases of the Kidney - Major Determinants of Disease
The Urinary System
118 Full text published articles
1. Friedman A. Renal glycosuria. occurrence in two siblings and a review of the literature. J Pediatr. 2005 Nov;147(5).639.
2. Wu CJ. Transient renal glycosuria in a patient with acute pyelonephritis. Intern Med. 2001 Jun;40(6).519-21.
3. Ruggeri C, Valenzise M, Rosano M, Sirchia T. [Acute interstitial nephritis. A cause of inflammatory renal glycosuria]. Minerva Pediatr. 2000 Mar;52(3).147-51. Italian.
4. Bamba T, Kimura T. [Familial renal glycosuria]. Ryoikibetsu Shokogun Shirizu. 1998;(19 Pt 2).555-6. Review. Japanese.
5. Orem J, Mpanga L, Habyara E, Nambuya AM, Otim MA. Renal glycosuria treated as diabetes mellitus. case report. East Afr Med J. 1997 Nov;74(11).740-2.
6. De Marchi S, Cecchin E, Zanello F, Bartoli E. Abnormal blood glucose and insulin response during oral glucose tolerance test in familial renal glycosuria. Contrib Nephrol. 1997;122.200-2.
7. Schneider D, Gauthier B, Trachtman H. Hypercalciuria in children with renal glycosuria. evidence of dual renal tubular reabsorptive defects. J Pediatr. 1992 Nov;121(5 Pt 1).715-9.
8. Havaldar PV, Mahantshetty NS, Siddibhavi BM. Renal glycosuria in two siblings. Indian Pediatr. 1992 Jan;29(1).114-6.
9. Ogura Y, Tsuji H, Sakurai I, Ishida Y. [Kidney tubular transport disorders. Renal tubule defects in glucose transport--renal glycosuria]. Nihon Rinsho. 1989 Jul;47(7).1589-96. Japanese.
10. Trachtman H, Kahn R. Renal glycosuria in pyelonephritis. Pediatrics. 1989 Apr;83(4 Pt 2).652-3.
11. Tolosa Vilella C, Vallés Prats M, Simeón Aznar CP. [Primary renal glycosuria and diabetes mellitus]. Med Clin (Barc). 1988 Jan 23;90(3).119-21. Spanish.
12. Serrano Ríos M. Renal diabetes (primary renal glycosuria). a short overview. Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med. 1987;93.512-7. Review.
13. López I, Sánchez G, Jiménez J, Forés D. [Congenital renal glycosuria]. Med Clin (Barc). 1986 Nov 15;87(16).691. Spanish.
14. Reubi FC, Montandon A. Renal glycosuria in renal homograft recipients. Klin Wochenschr. 1984 Sep 17;62(18).876-84.
15. Dash R, Mishra K, Das PC, Das RK 3rd, Mohakur AC, Padhi PK, Mishra D. Renal glycosuria (a family study). J Indian Med Assoc. 1984 Aug;82(8).287-9.
16. Reubi FC, Seiler A. Renal glycosuria in patients with the nephrotic syndrome. Klin Wochenschr. 1984 Jul 2;62(13).621-30.
17. De Paoli P, Battistin S, Jus A, Reitano M, Villalta D, De Marchi S, Cecchin E, Basile A, Santini G. Immunological characterization of renal glycosuria patients. Clin Exp Immunol. 1984 May;56(2).289-94.
18. De Marchi S, Cecchin E, Basile A, Proto G, Donadon W, Jengo A, Schinella D, Jus A, Villalta D, De Paoli P, et al. Close genetic linkage between HLA and renal glycosuria. Am J Nephrol. 1984;4(5).280-6.
19. Hausen T. [Renal glycosuria]. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1983 Sep 2;125(35).743-4. German.
20. Andriukin AA, Prokhorov VV, Slidenko IuV. [Renal glycosuria]. Klin Med (Mosk). 1983 Apr;61(4).28-30. Russian.
21. De Marchi S, Proto G, Jengo A, Collinassi P, Basile A. [Renal glycosuria. dominant or recessive autosome anomaly? Mode of hereditary transmission based on the analysis of a 3-generation family tree]. Minerva Med. 1983 Feb 25;74(7).301-6. Italian.
22. De Marchi S, Cecchin E, Basile A, Proto G, Donadon W, Schinella D, Lengo A, De Paoli P, Jus A, Villalta D, et al. Is renal glycosuria a benign condition? Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc. 1983;20.681-5.
23. Polácková H, Kmoch J, Svoboda Z, Vsetecková A. [Long-term follow-up study of individuals with renal glycosuria]. Vnitr Lek. 1982 Dec;28(12).1210-4. Czech.
24. Cressman MD, Vidt DG, Acker C. Renal glycosuria and azotemia after enalapril maleate (MK-421). Lancet. 1982 Aug 21;2(8295).440.
25. Font J, Coca A, Ingelmo M, Balcells A. [Congenital renal glycosuria]. Med Clin (Barc). 1981 Oct 10;77(6).262. Spanish.
26. Borkenstein M, Muntean W, Schwarz R. [What is your diagnosis? (Primary familial renal glycosuria)]. Padiatr Padol. 1980;15(4).397-9. German.
27. Reubi F. [Renal glycosuria]. Nephrologie. 1980;1(3).107-8. French.
28. Seiler A, Reubi FC. [Mechanism of renal glycosuria in the nephrotic syndrome]. J Urol Nephrol (Paris). 1979 Sep;85(9).573-8. French.
29. Tabernero JM, Macias JF, Bondia A, Rodríguez Commes JL, Corbacho L, de Manueles J, Benito Sendin M, de Castro S. [Renal glycosuria. Study of a family]. Rev Clin Esp. 1978 Sep 15;150(5).269-72. Spanish.
30. Visweswaran K, Parakkal J, Haneef M, Gee Varghese PJ. Renal glycosuria (a case report with a family study). J Assoc Physicians India. 1978 Aug;26(8).751-3.
31. Schabel F, Glatzl J, Irnberger E. [Renal glycosuria with loss of phosphate (author's transl)]. Padiatr Padol. 1978;13(2).159-63. German.
32. Sessa A, Cioffi A, Conte F, Castelli L, Dei Poli M. Familial renal glycosuria. Nephron. 1978;20(4).235-6.
33. Tarui S. [Renal glycosuria]. Nihon Rinsho. 1977 Spring;35 Suppl 1.1108-9. Japanese.
34. Jokanović R, Nikezić M, Milutinović P, Radmanović S, Nastić-Mirić D. [Determination of values of immunologically measurable insulin (IMI) in children with renal glycosuria]. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 1976 Oct;104(10).761-6. Serbian.
35. Ginsburg DS, Quintanilla AP, Levin M. Renal glycosuria due to gentamicin in rabbits. J Infect Dis. 1976 Aug;134(2).119-22.
36. Wen SF. Micropuncture studies of glucose transport in the dog. mechanism of renal glycosuria. Am J Physiol. 1976 Aug;231(2).468-75.
37. Sessa A, Cioffi A, Conte F, Schmid C, Sauli S. [Familial renal glycosuria. Presence of alpha and beta particles of glycogen in the epithelial cells of the proximal half of the proximal tubule]. Minerva Nefrol. 1976 Jul-Aug;23(4).244-51. Italian.
38. Kolodina LN. [Some characteristics of lactation in women with renal glycosuria and prediabetes]. Akush Ginekol (Mosk). 1976 Jun;(6).65-6. Russian.
39. Polácková H, Kmoch J, Prokes J, Svoboda Z, Vsetecková A. [Insulinemia in renal glycosuria]. Vnitr Lek. 1976 Apr;22(4).341-4. Czech.
40. Rames I, Vanková B. [Renal glycosuria (possibility of relation to diabetes mellitus)]. Vnitr Lek. 1976 Mar;22(3).268-73. Czech.
41. Páv J, Sperl M. [Relation between glucose and sodium absorption in renal glycosuria (author's transl)]. Cas Lek Cesk. 1975 Jul 25;114(30).939-41. Czech.
42. Kaszás T, Kovács E. [Renal glycosuria in childhood]. Orv Hetil. 1974 Apr 7;115(14).798-800. Hungarian.
43. Rosa L. [Renal glycosuria and diabetes mellitus]. Vnitr Lek. 1974 Apr;20(4).389-96. Czech.
44. Frenkel J, Berber S. [From the everyday internal practice--renal glycosuria]. Med Pregl. 1974;27(5-6).223-6. Serbian.
45. Küntzel W, Mitzkat HJ. [The diagnosis of renal glycosuria]. Minerva Med. 1973 Oct 27;64(76).3997-4000. Italian.
46. Palacios Mateos JM, Pato Castel I, Valderrabano Quintana F, Salmerón de Diego J, García Almansa V, García Robles R, Lorente Fernández L. [Association of diabetes mellitus and true renal glycosuria (Reubi's type A) with urinary loss up to 964 gm. of glucose in 24 hours]. Rev Clin Esp. 1973 Jul 31;130(2).141-6. Spanish.
47. Zarowitz H, Newhouse S. Renal glycosuria in normoglycemic glysoduric pregnancy. a quantitative study. Metabolism. 1973 May;22(5).755-61.
48. Kirachaiwanich C, Sitprija V. Aminosidine and renal glycosuria. J Med Assoc Thai. 1972 Jul;55(7).430-3.
49. Elsas LJ, Busse D, Rosenberg LE. Autosomal recessive inheritance of renal glycosuria. Metabolism. 1971 Oct;20(10).968-75.
50. Küntzel W, Mitzkat HJ. [Diagnosis of renal glycosuria]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1971 Jun 25;96(26).1130-2. German.
51. Miyanaga Y. [Significance of fluorescein fundus photography in renal glycosuria and borderline diabetes mellitus]. Nihon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi. 1971 Jan 20;75.555-60. Japanese.
52. Fossati P, Fourlinnie JC, Cappoen JP, Racadot A, Linquette M. [Study of blood insulin in renal glycosuria]. Lille Med. 1970 Nov;15(9).1225-9. French.
53. Elsas LJ. Glucose reabsorption in familial renal glycosuria and glucose-galactose malabsorption. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser. 1970 Sep;6(3).21-2.
54. Mironov N. Cases with renal glycosuria in Ethiopia. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 1970;12(3).219-25.
55. Elsas LJ, Rosenberg LE. Familial renal glycosuria. a genetic reappraisal of hexose transport by kidney and intestine. J Clin Invest. 1969 Oct;48(10).1845-54.
56. Kew-kim C. Renal glycosuria. Med J Malaya. 1969 Jun;23(4).256-9.
57. Valedinskaia NP, Kucherova AF. [Renal glycosuria in a 1-year-7-months-old girl]. Pediatriia. 1968 Jun;6.80-1. Russian.
58. Transbol I, Halver B. Relation of renal glycosuria and parathyroid function in hypercalcemic sarcoidosis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1967 Aug;27(8).1193-6.
59. Ueda Y, Kobayashi F, Yamamoto K, Takasu T. [A study of renal glycosuria]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. 1967 Jun 10;56(6).521-30. Japanese.
60. Türk E, Reddemann H. [Contribution to familial renal glycosuria in childhood]. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1967 May;115(5).353-6. German.
61. Luyckx A, Lefébvre P. [Renal glycosuria and blood insulin. Apropos of a familial case]. Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 1967 Jan-Feb;28(1).141-5. French.
62. Dayton JT. Renal glycosuria. N C Med J. 1966 Mar;27(3).130-1.
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64. Kleinbaum H. [Steroid diabetes and steroid-induced renal glycosuria in childhood]. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1966 Jan;114(1).10-4. German.
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67. Cazacu B, Zălaru M, Onete I, Maravei E, Udrea T. [Familial renal glycosuria associated with maltosuria]. Med Interna (Bucur). 1965 Jul;17(7).845-50. Romanian.
72. KIM EJ, KIM MW, KIM SH. [SEVEN CASES OF RENAL GLYCOSURIA]. Taehan Naekwa Hakhoe Chapchi. 1963 Jul;143.413-8. Swedish.
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74. MARIGO S, MELANI F, PRENNA G. [The coefficient of glucose assimilation in the diagnosis of renal glycosuria]. Prog Med (Napoli). 1961 Feb 15;17.83-6. Italian.
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2. Wu CJ. Transient renal glycosuria in a patient with acute pyelonephritis. Intern Med. 2001 Jun;40(6).519-21.
3. Ruggeri C, Valenzise M, Rosano M, Sirchia T. [Acute interstitial nephritis. A cause of inflammatory renal glycosuria]. Minerva Pediatr. 2000 Mar;52(3).147-51. Italian.
4. Bamba T, Kimura T. [Familial renal glycosuria]. Ryoikibetsu Shokogun Shirizu. 1998;(19 Pt 2).555-6. Review. Japanese.
5. Orem J, Mpanga L, Habyara E, Nambuya AM, Otim MA. Renal glycosuria treated as diabetes mellitus. case report. East Afr Med J. 1997 Nov;74(11).740-2.
6. De Marchi S, Cecchin E, Zanello F, Bartoli E. Abnormal blood glucose and insulin response during oral glucose tolerance test in familial renal glycosuria. Contrib Nephrol. 1997;122.200-2.
7. Schneider D, Gauthier B, Trachtman H. Hypercalciuria in children with renal glycosuria. evidence of dual renal tubular reabsorptive defects. J Pediatr. 1992 Nov;121(5 Pt 1).715-9.
8. Havaldar PV, Mahantshetty NS, Siddibhavi BM. Renal glycosuria in two siblings. Indian Pediatr. 1992 Jan;29(1).114-6.
9. Ogura Y, Tsuji H, Sakurai I, Ishida Y. [Kidney tubular transport disorders. Renal tubule defects in glucose transport--renal glycosuria]. Nihon Rinsho. 1989 Jul;47(7).1589-96. Japanese.
10. Trachtman H, Kahn R. Renal glycosuria in pyelonephritis. Pediatrics. 1989 Apr;83(4 Pt 2).652-3.
11. Tolosa Vilella C, Vallés Prats M, Simeón Aznar CP. [Primary renal glycosuria and diabetes mellitus]. Med Clin (Barc). 1988 Jan 23;90(3).119-21. Spanish.
12. Serrano Ríos M. Renal diabetes (primary renal glycosuria). a short overview. Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med. 1987;93.512-7. Review.
13. López I, Sánchez G, Jiménez J, Forés D. [Congenital renal glycosuria]. Med Clin (Barc). 1986 Nov 15;87(16).691. Spanish.
14. Reubi FC, Montandon A. Renal glycosuria in renal homograft recipients. Klin Wochenschr. 1984 Sep 17;62(18).876-84.
15. Dash R, Mishra K, Das PC, Das RK 3rd, Mohakur AC, Padhi PK, Mishra D. Renal glycosuria (a family study). J Indian Med Assoc. 1984 Aug;82(8).287-9.
16. Reubi FC, Seiler A. Renal glycosuria in patients with the nephrotic syndrome. Klin Wochenschr. 1984 Jul 2;62(13).621-30.
17. De Paoli P, Battistin S, Jus A, Reitano M, Villalta D, De Marchi S, Cecchin E, Basile A, Santini G. Immunological characterization of renal glycosuria patients. Clin Exp Immunol. 1984 May;56(2).289-94.
18. De Marchi S, Cecchin E, Basile A, Proto G, Donadon W, Jengo A, Schinella D, Jus A, Villalta D, De Paoli P, et al. Close genetic linkage between HLA and renal glycosuria. Am J Nephrol. 1984;4(5).280-6.
19. Hausen T. [Renal glycosuria]. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1983 Sep 2;125(35).743-4. German.
20. Andriukin AA, Prokhorov VV, Slidenko IuV. [Renal glycosuria]. Klin Med (Mosk). 1983 Apr;61(4).28-30. Russian.
21. De Marchi S, Proto G, Jengo A, Collinassi P, Basile A. [Renal glycosuria. dominant or recessive autosome anomaly? Mode of hereditary transmission based on the analysis of a 3-generation family tree]. Minerva Med. 1983 Feb 25;74(7).301-6. Italian.
22. De Marchi S, Cecchin E, Basile A, Proto G, Donadon W, Schinella D, Lengo A, De Paoli P, Jus A, Villalta D, et al. Is renal glycosuria a benign condition? Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc. 1983;20.681-5.
23. Polácková H, Kmoch J, Svoboda Z, Vsetecková A. [Long-term follow-up study of individuals with renal glycosuria]. Vnitr Lek. 1982 Dec;28(12).1210-4. Czech.
24. Cressman MD, Vidt DG, Acker C. Renal glycosuria and azotemia after enalapril maleate (MK-421). Lancet. 1982 Aug 21;2(8295).440.
25. Font J, Coca A, Ingelmo M, Balcells A. [Congenital renal glycosuria]. Med Clin (Barc). 1981 Oct 10;77(6).262. Spanish.
26. Borkenstein M, Muntean W, Schwarz R. [What is your diagnosis? (Primary familial renal glycosuria)]. Padiatr Padol. 1980;15(4).397-9. German.
27. Reubi F. [Renal glycosuria]. Nephrologie. 1980;1(3).107-8. French.
28. Seiler A, Reubi FC. [Mechanism of renal glycosuria in the nephrotic syndrome]. J Urol Nephrol (Paris). 1979 Sep;85(9).573-8. French.
29. Tabernero JM, Macias JF, Bondia A, Rodríguez Commes JL, Corbacho L, de Manueles J, Benito Sendin M, de Castro S. [Renal glycosuria. Study of a family]. Rev Clin Esp. 1978 Sep 15;150(5).269-72. Spanish.
30. Visweswaran K, Parakkal J, Haneef M, Gee Varghese PJ. Renal glycosuria (a case report with a family study). J Assoc Physicians India. 1978 Aug;26(8).751-3.
31. Schabel F, Glatzl J, Irnberger E. [Renal glycosuria with loss of phosphate (author's transl)]. Padiatr Padol. 1978;13(2).159-63. German.
32. Sessa A, Cioffi A, Conte F, Castelli L, Dei Poli M. Familial renal glycosuria. Nephron. 1978;20(4).235-6.
33. Tarui S. [Renal glycosuria]. Nihon Rinsho. 1977 Spring;35 Suppl 1.1108-9. Japanese.
34. Jokanović R, Nikezić M, Milutinović P, Radmanović S, Nastić-Mirić D. [Determination of values of immunologically measurable insulin (IMI) in children with renal glycosuria]. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 1976 Oct;104(10).761-6. Serbian.
35. Ginsburg DS, Quintanilla AP, Levin M. Renal glycosuria due to gentamicin in rabbits. J Infect Dis. 1976 Aug;134(2).119-22.
36. Wen SF. Micropuncture studies of glucose transport in the dog. mechanism of renal glycosuria. Am J Physiol. 1976 Aug;231(2).468-75.
37. Sessa A, Cioffi A, Conte F, Schmid C, Sauli S. [Familial renal glycosuria. Presence of alpha and beta particles of glycogen in the epithelial cells of the proximal half of the proximal tubule]. Minerva Nefrol. 1976 Jul-Aug;23(4).244-51. Italian.
38. Kolodina LN. [Some characteristics of lactation in women with renal glycosuria and prediabetes]. Akush Ginekol (Mosk). 1976 Jun;(6).65-6. Russian.
39. Polácková H, Kmoch J, Prokes J, Svoboda Z, Vsetecková A. [Insulinemia in renal glycosuria]. Vnitr Lek. 1976 Apr;22(4).341-4. Czech.
40. Rames I, Vanková B. [Renal glycosuria (possibility of relation to diabetes mellitus)]. Vnitr Lek. 1976 Mar;22(3).268-73. Czech.
41. Páv J, Sperl M. [Relation between glucose and sodium absorption in renal glycosuria (author's transl)]. Cas Lek Cesk. 1975 Jul 25;114(30).939-41. Czech.
42. Kaszás T, Kovács E. [Renal glycosuria in childhood]. Orv Hetil. 1974 Apr 7;115(14).798-800. Hungarian.
43. Rosa L. [Renal glycosuria and diabetes mellitus]. Vnitr Lek. 1974 Apr;20(4).389-96. Czech.
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