21 July 2012

Euthyroid Sick Syndrome

Thyroid Disorders in Children

Endocrinology Review
A Smattering.

Schecter Conference - Hypo/Hyperthyroid, Thyroiditis, Thyroid nodules, Thyroid CA
Ginger Xu

Thyroid Function: Fetal, Maternal Relationship

Eating Behaviour in Physiological and Pathological Aging
E. Ferrari

Thyroid Lecture Series
Robert Lash, MD

Clinical Pathophysiology Review 3
Fred A. Zar, MD, FACP

Medical Complications of Pregnancy
Serena Wu, MD

Katherine Stanley, MD

Maternal physiology
Sindhu Srinivas, MD, MSCE

Thyroid Disease

Eating Disorders
Teresa Lianne Beck,MD

68 Published articles on Euthyroid Sick Syndrome
1.     Liu ML, Xu G, Huang ZY, Zhong XC, Liu SH, Jiang TY. Euthyroid sick syndromeand nutritional status are correlated with hyposelenemia in hemodialysispatients. Int J Artif Organs. 2011 Jul;34(7):577-83. doi. http://dx.doi.org/10.5301/IJAO.2011.8474.
2.     Liu Z, Wu J, Zhang YY, Feng DG, Liu L, Sun J, Peng Y, Guo ZH. [Therapeuticeffect of low-dose thyroxin in elderly patients with refractory heart failure andeuthyroid sick syndrome]. Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2009 Sep;29(9):1848-50. Chinese.
3.     Golombek SG. Nonthyroidal illness syndrome and euthyroid sick syndrome inintensive care patients. Semin Perinatol. 2008 Dec;32(6):413-8.
4.     Selvaraj N, Bobby Z, Sridhar MG. Is euthyroid sick syndrome a defensivemechanism against oxidative stress? Med Hypotheses. 2008 Sep;71(3):404-5. Epub2008 Jun 3.
5.     Bayarri VM, Sancho S, Campos C, Faus R, Simón JM, Porcar E, Tormo C, HernandezA. [The euthyroid sick syndrome in severe acute illness]. Presse Med. 2007Nov;36(11 Pt 1):1550-6. Epub 2007 Apr 19. French.
6.     Danbauchi SS, Anumah FE, Isah HS, Onyemelekwe GC. Euthyroid Sick syndrome And Cardiac Failure In Zaria, Nigeria. Niger Postgrad Med J. 2007 Mar;14(1):16-20.
7.     Van den Berghe G. Euthyroid sick syndrome. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2000Apr;13(2):89-91.
8.     Toyoda N, Nomura E, Nishikawa M. [Low T3 syndrome, low T4 syndrome (euthyroid sick syndrome)]. Nihon Rinsho. 2006 May 28;Suppl 1:504-7. Review. Japanese.
9.     von Klopmann T, Boettcher IC, Rotermund A, Rohn K, Tipold A. Euthyroid sicksyndrome in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy before treatment with anticonvulsantdrugs. J Vet Intern Med. 2006 May-Jun;20(3):516-22.
10. Gou DY, Su W, Shao YC, Lu YL. Euthyroid sick syndrome in trauma patients withsevere inflammatory response syndrome. Chin J Traumatol. 2006 Apr;9(2):115-7.
11. den Brinker M, Joosten KF, Visser TJ, Hop WC, de Rijke YB, Hazelzet JA,Boonstra VH, Hokken-Koelega AC. Euthyroid sick syndrome in meningococcal sepsis. the impact of peripheral thyroid hormone metabolism and binding proteins. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Oct;90(10):5613-20. Epub 2005 Aug 2.
12. Stathatos N, Wartofsky L. The euthyroid sick syndrome. is there a physiologicrationale for thyroid hormone treatment? J Endocrinol Invest. 2003Dec;26(12):1174-9. Review.
13. Palugniok R, Kochańska-Dziurowicz AA. Euthyroid sick syndrome in head injury patients compared with Glasgow Coma and Outcome Scales. Nucl Med Rev Cent EastEur. 2000;3(1):13-6.
14. Kotake Y, Matsumoto M, Takeda J. Thiopental intensifies the euthyroid sicksyndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. J Anesth. 2000 Jan 20;14(1):38-41.
15. Pavlou HN, Kliridis PA, Panagiotopoulos AA, Goritsas CP, Vassilakos PJ.Euthyroid sick syndrome in acute ischemic syndromes. Angiology. 2002Nov-Dec;53(6):699-707.
16. de Metz J, Romijn JA, Gouma DJ, ten Berge IJ, Busch OR, Endert E, SauerweinHP. Interferon-gamma administration does not affect human thyroid hormonemetabolism in the post-surgical euthyroid sick syndrome. J Endocrinol Invest.2002 Apr;25(4):315-20.
17. Umpierrez GE. Euthyroid sick syndrome. South Med J. 2002 May;95(5):506-13.Review.
18. Miguel Bayarri V, Borrás Palle S, Murcia Llácer B, Sancho Chinesta S, Málaga López A, Solá Izquierdo E, Pérez Bermúdez B, Hernández Mijares A. [Prevalence andprognosis significance of euthyroid sick syndrome in critical illness]. Rev Clin Esp. 2001 Oct;201(10):572-4. Spanish.
19. Papanicolaou DA. Euthyroid Sick Syndrome and the role of cytokines. RevEndocr Metab Disord. 2000 Jan;1(1-2):43-8. Review.
20. Mohn A, Di Marzio A, Cerruto M, Angrilli F, Fioritoni C, Chiarelli F.Euthyroid sick syndrome in children with Hodgkin disease. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2001 Apr-May;18(3):211-5.
21. Molnár I, Czirják L. Euthyroid sick syndrome and inhibitory effect of sera onthe activity of thyroid 5'-deiodinase in systemic sclerosis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2000 Nov-Dec;18(6):719-24.
22. Nagaya T, Fujieda M, Otsuka G, Yang JP, Okamoto T, Seo H. A potential role ofactivated NF-kappa B in the pathogenesis of euthyroid sick syndrome. J ClinInvest. 2000 Aug;106(3):393-402.
23. Kimura T, Kanda T, Kotajima N, Kuwabara A, Fukumura Y, Kobayashi I.Involvement of circulating interleukin-6 and its receptor in the development ofeuthyroid sick syndrome in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Eur JEndocrinol. 2000 Aug;143(2):179-84.
24. Mönig H, Arendt T, Meyer M, Kloehn S, Bewig B. Activation of thehypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in response to septic or non-septicdiseases--
implications for the euthyroid sick syndrome. Intensive Care Med. 1999 Dec;25(12):1402-6.
25. Duntas LH, Nguyen TT, Keck FS, Nelson DK, Iii JJ. Changes in metabolism ofTRH in euthyroid sick syndrome. Eur J Endocrinol. 1999 Oct;141(4):337-41.
26. Wartofsky L, Burman KD, Ringel MD. Trading one "dangerous dogma" for another?Thyroid hormone treatment of the "euthyroid sick syndrome". J Clin EndocrinolMetab. 1999 May;84(5):1759-60.
27. Feelders RA, Swaak AJ, Romijn JA, Eggermont AM, Tielens ET, Vreugdenhil G,Endert E, van Eijk HG, Berghout A. Characteristics of recovery from the euthyroidsick syndrome induced by tumor necrosis factor alpha in cancer patients.Metabolism. 1999 Mar;48(3):324-9.
28. Goichot B, Sapin R, Schlienger JL. [Euthyroid sick syndrome. recentphysiopathologic findings]. Rev Med Interne. 1998 Sep;19(9):640-8. Review.French.
29. Bartalena L, Bogazzi F, Brogioni S, Grasso L, Martino E. Role of cytokines inthe pathogenesis of the euthyroid sick syndrome. Eur J Endocrinol. 1998Jun;138(6):603-14. Review.
30. Girvent M, Maestro S, Hernández R, Carajol I, Monné J, Sancho JJ, Gubern JM, Sitges-Serra A. Euthyroid sick syndrome, associated endocrine abnormalities, and outcome in elderly patients undergoing emergency operation. Surgery. 1998May;123(5):560-7.
31. Stockigt JR, Lim CF. Transiently decreased sialylation of thyrotropin in apatient with the euthyroid sick syndrome. Thyroid. 1997 Oct;7(5):807-8.
32. Bornstein SR, Torpy DJ, Chrousos GP, Licinio J, Engelmann L. Leptin levelsare elevated despite low thyroid hormone levels in the "euthyroid sick" syndrome.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997 Dec;82(12):4278-9.
33. McIver B, Gorman CA. Euthyroid sick syndrome. an overview. Thyroid. 1997Feb;7(1):125-32. Review.
34. Magner J, Roy P, Fainter L, Barnard V, Fletcher P Jr. Transiently decreasedsialylation of thyrotropin (TSH) in a patient with the euthyroid sick syndrome.Thyroid. 1997 Feb;7(1):55-61.
35. Chopra IJ. Clinical review 86. Euthyroid sick syndrome. is it a misnomer? JClin Endocrinol Metab. 1997 Feb;82(2):329-34. Review.
36. Nader S, Warner MD, Doyle S, Peabody CA. Euthyroid sick syndrome inpsychiatric inpatients. Biol Psychiatry. 1996 Dec 15;40(12):1288-93.
37. Manowitz NR, Mayor GH, Klepper MJ, DeGroot LJ. Subclinical Hypothyroidism andEuthyroid Sick Syndrome in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Congestive HeartFailure. Am J Ther. 1996 Dec;3(12):797-801.
38. Chopra IJ. Nonthyroidal illness syndrome or euthyroid sick syndrome? EndocrPract. 1996 Jan-Feb;2(1):45-52.
39. Wawrzyńska L, Sakowicz A, Filipecki S. [Euthyroid sick syndrome in patientswith respiratory failure]. Pneumonol Alergol Pol. 1996;64 Suppl 2:193-9. Polish.
40. Burmeister LA. Reverse T3 does not reliably differentiate hypothyroid sicksyndrome from euthyroid sick syndrome. Thyroid. 1995 Dec;5(6):435-41.
41. Thrush DN, Austin D, Burdash N. Cardiopulmonary bypass temperature does notaffect postoperative euthyroid sick syndrome? Chest. 1995 Dec;108(6):1541-5.
42. Chow CC, Mak TW, Chan CH, Cockram CS. Euthyroid sick syndrome in pulmonarytuberculosis before and after treatment. Ann Clin Biochem. 1995 Jul;32 ( Pt4):385-91.
43. Bélec L, Meillet D, Grésenguet G, Gherardi RK. Increased tumor necrosisfactor-alpha serum levels in patients with HIV wasting syndrome and euthyroidsick syndrome. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1995 Feb 1;8(2):212-4.
44. Rosen HN, Greenspan SL, Landsberg L, Faix JD. Distinguishing hypothyroxinemiadue to euthyroid sick syndrome from pituitary insufficiency. Isr J Med Sci. 1994 Oct;30(10):746-50.
45. Di Napoli M, Reda G, Zannoni G, Russo S, Morace G, Vasselli C. [The euthyroidsick syndrome. Its incidence and clinical significance in an internal medicinedepartment]. Minerva Med. 1994 Apr;85(4):161-5. Italian.
46. Carlin K, Carlin S. Possible etiology for euthyroid sick syndrome. MedHypotheses. 1993 Jan;40(1):38-43.
47. Van Lente F, Daher R. Plasma selenium concentrations in patients witheuthyroid sick syndrome. Clin Chem. 1992 Sep;38(9):1885-8.
48. Novitzky D. Heart transplantation, euthyroid sick syndrome, andtriiodothyronine replacement. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1992 Jul-Aug;11(4 Pt2):S196-8. Review.
49. Halabe Cherem J, Nellen Hummel H, Barabejzki FG, Lifshitz A. [The euthyroidsick syndrome]. Gac Med Mex. 1992 May-Jun;128(3):211-4. Review. Spanish.
50. Jolobe OM. The euthyroid sick syndrome. Age Ageing. 1991 Nov;20(6):463.
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52. Holland FW 2nd, Brown PS Jr, Weintraub BD, Clark RE. Cardiopulmonary bypassand thyroid function. a "euthyroid sick syndrome". Ann Thorac Surg. 1991Jul;52(1):46-50.
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66. Wartofsky L, Burman KD. Alterations in thyroid function in patients withsystemic illness. the "euthyroid sick syndrome". Endocr Rev. 1982Spring;3(2):164-217. Review.
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