03 April 2010

Fetal Tissue Transplants

Fetal Tissue Transplants
By:Michelle Gomez

Words You May Need To Know
* Definitions-
+ Fetal tissue transplants
+ Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
+ Huntington’s Disease (HD)
+ Dopamine (DA)

Development of the Fetus
First Month (conception to 6 weeks)
Second Month (7-10 weeks)
Third Month (11-14 weeks)
Fourth Month (beginning of second trimester)
Fifth month (19- 22 weeks)
Seventh Month (beginning of third trimester 27-30 weeks)
Sixth Months (23-26 weeks)
Eighth month (31-34 weeks)
Ninth month (35 weeks to delivery)

Fun Facts
* The History of Fetal Tissue Transplants

Parkinson’s Disease
* Parkinson’s Disease
Huntington’s Disease
What does it treat?
* Parkinson’s Disease
* Huntington’s Disease
* Retina Repair
* Future:
o Epilepsy
Biological Concepts

The Process: Cell Therapy Development in PD
* Parkinson’s Disease-
o Graft Efficiency has to be increased and variability reduced
+ Patient selection
+ Graft Placement
+ Composition and Preparation of the Graft Tissue
+ Developing immunological mechanisms

2 Years After Transplantation
The Process: Cell Therapy Development in PD
Evidence and Experiments
Society for Neuroscience-
* October 24, 1999- a study was presented at the Society for Neuroscience’s annual meeting, showing that the fetal cells can produce a critical neurotransmitter, reducing patient's tremors and paralysis. (Helmuth, 886)
Retina Repair-
o The procedure that Elisabeth Bryant, from the previous slide, underwent was retinal repair. Robert Aramant at the University of Louisville in Kentucky developed the transplant technique with Magdalene Seiler. (image on next slide)

Fetal tissue inserted here
Frontier Issues
Cost and Finances
* Surgery Alone- $43,500
* Pre-Operative Costs- $4,000
* Total- Approx.- $50,000
Pro-life vs. Fetal Tissue Transplant Supporters
Ethical Issues
* It takes six fetuses to provide enough material to treat one Parkinson’s patient.
* Who is donating?
* Cell supply is limited.
* Better areas for transplantation?
Bibliography/ References
* Barinaga, M. “Fetal neuron grafts pave the was for stem cell therapies.” Science. 5 Feb 2000 287:5457 p.1421-2. General Science Index. COSLibrary, Visalia, CA. 19 Sept 2005
* Björklund, Anders and Olle Lindvall. “Cell Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease.” NeuroRx. Oct 2004. the American Society for Experimental Therapeutics, Inc. Lund, Sweden. 13 Oct 2005. http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=534947
* Cimons, Marlene. “Bush is a threat to US stem-cell research”. Nature Medicine. 2001. COS Library, Visalia, CA. 24 Oct. 2005. http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v7/n3/full/nm0301_263a.html
* “Dopamine.” Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. 2005. 19 Sept 2005 http://www.encyclopedia.com
* Dunnett, Stephen B. and Anne E Rosser. “Cell Therapy in HD.” NeuroRx. Oct 2004. American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, Inc. Wales, UK. 13 Oct 2005. http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=534947

Bibliography/ References
* Fackelmann, K.A. “Study sizes up fetal cells for transplant.” Science News. 7 Jan 1995. 149:1 p.6. Academic Abstracts. COS Library, Visalia, CA. 15 Sept 2005
* "Fetal Tissue Implant." Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. 2005. 19 Sept. 2005 http://www.encyclopedia.com
* Hawaleshka, Dan. “The debate over fetal tissue. (cover-story).” Maclean’s. 1996 109:4 p.48. Academic Abstracts. COS Library, Visalia, CA. 15 Sept 2005
* Helmuth, L. “Fetal cells Help Parkinson’s patients.” Science. 29 Oct 1999. 286:5441 p.886-7. General Science Index. COS Library, Visalia, CA. 19 Sept 2005
* Hopkins, John. About Huntington's Disease and Related Disorders. 2002. John Hopkins Medicine. 24 Oct 2005. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/bhdc/about/
* “Huntington’s Disease.” Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. 2005. 19 Sept. 2005 http://www.encyclopedia.com
* “Introduction.” Parkinson’s Disease: Hope Through Research. Sept 2003. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 22 Sept 2005. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/parkinsons_disease/detail_parkinsons_disease.htm
* Rae, Scott B. “The Ethics of Fetal Tissue Transplantation.” CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 2005. Talbot School of Theology. 24 Oct 2005. http://www.equip.org/free/DE192.htm

* “Development of the Fetus.” Illustration. 1998. Development of the Baby. Parents Magazine. 24 Oct 2005 http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/students2/departments/Health_Resource_Center/pregnancy.htm
* Levivier, Marc. “PET scan in patient with PD after transplantation of human fetal neurons (before and after)”. Illustration. 7 July 2003. Neural Transplants in Parkinson’s Disease: do they work?. Lancet Neurology. 6 Oct 2005 http://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur/article/PIIS1474442203004423/fulltext.
* Rowe, Duncan. “Retina Repair.” Illustration. 31 Jan 2003. Fetal Tissue Transplants Improve Adult Sight. New Scientist Magazine. 6 Oct 2005. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn3319

Fetal Tissue Transplants.ppt


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