Aarskog syndrome
Aarskog syndrome or Aarskog–Scott syndrome
Aarskog syndrome is an inherited disease that affects a person's height, muscles, skeleton, genitals, and appearance of the face. Inherited means that it is passed down through families.
65 published articles are available on the subject
- Familial syndrome resembling Aarskog syndrome.
- Bilateral anterior hip dislocation in a child with Aarskog syndrome: a case report.
- Aarskog syndrome: a case report and literature review.
- Clinical variation of Aarskog syndrome in a large family with 2189delA in the FGD1 gene.
- Growth hormone treatment in Aarskog syndrome: analysis of the KIGS (Pharmacia International Growth Database) data.
- Orthodontic treatment of a case of Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome.
- Two novel mutations confirm FGD1 is responsible for the Aarskog syndrome.
- Skeletal-specific expression of Fgd1 during bone formation and skeletal defects in faciogenital dysplasia (FGDY; Aarskog syndrome).
- Isolation, characterization, and mapping of the mouse Fgd3 gene, a new Faciogenital Dysplasia (FGD1; Aarskog Syndrome) gene homologue.
- Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of Aarskog syndrome.
- Isolation, characterization, and mapping of the mouse and human Fgd2 genes, faciogenital dysplasia (FGD1; Aarskog syndrome) gene homologues.
- The effect of growth hormone treatment on stature in Aarskog syndrome.
- Brief report: autism and Aarskog syndrome.
- Dental and craniofacial features of Aarskog syndrome: report of a case and review of literature.
- Intelligence and development in Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome associated with hypermetropia and toe anomaly.
- Genomic organization of the faciogenital dysplasia (FGD1; Aarskog syndrome) gene.
- Velo-facio-skeletal syndrome versus Aarskog syndrome.
- An intragenic TaqI polymorphism in the faciogenital dysplasia (FGD1) locus, the gene responsible for Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome: severe neurological deficit with spastic hemiplegia resulting from perinatal cerebrovascular accidents in two non-related males.
- Aarskog syndrome. A case report.
- Congenital heart defects in Aarskog syndrome.
- Umbilical findings in Aarskog syndrome.
- Tortuosity of the retinal vessels in Aarskog syndrome (faciogenital dysplasia).
- Megadolichosigmoid in a young male with Aarskog syndrome.
- The facio-digito-genital syndrome (Aarskog syndrome): a further delineation of the distinct radiological findings.
- Translocation breakpoint in Aarskog syndrome maps to Xp11.21 between ALAS2 and DXS323.
- Aarskog syndrome: report of a family with review and discussion of nosology.
- Dolichomegasigmoid in Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome in association with mental and psychological retardation, grand mal epilepsy and tardive dyskinesia and apparent radicular paralysis of the fibular nerve in torsion scoliosis.
- The gene for Aarskog syndrome is located between DXS255 and DXS566 (Xp11.2-Xq13).
- Aarskog syndrome in a Brazilian boy born to consanguineous parents.
- Atypical case of Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome: the changing phenotype with age.
- Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome. A case report.
- Aarskog syndrome in Hungary.
- Aarskog syndrome in a Danish family: an illustration of the need for dysmorphology in paediatrics.
- Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome. Description of a case with significant anomalies of the gonads.
- Aarskog syndrome: full male and female expression associated with an X-autosome translocation.
- Anomalous cerebral venous drainage in Aarskog syndrome.
- Metatarsus adductus in two brothers with Aarskog syndrome.
- The Aarskog syndrome in a large family, suggestive for autosomal dominant inheritance.
- Aarskog syndrome.
- Autosomal dominant inheritance of the Aarskog syndrome.
- A case of Aarskog syndrome with a review of Japanese literature.
- Aarskog syndrome with isolated growth hormone deficiency.
- Aarskog syndrome (author's transl).
- The Aarskog syndrome.
- The Aarskog syndrome. Description of a case and review of the literature.
- The Aarskog syndrome.
- Dental findings in patients with Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome: significance for the surgeon.
- Aarskog syndrome. New findings and genetic analysis.
- The Aarskog syndrome.
- Addditional features of the Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome: new oral-facial findings.
- The Aarskog syndrome in three brothers.
- Inheritance of the Aarskog syndrome.
- Aarskog syndrome (author's transl).
- The facial-digital-genital (Aarskog) syndrome.
- The Aarskog syndrome.
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