24 June 2009

Non-Inflammatory Bowel Disorders

Non-Inflammatory Bowel Disorders
Colon Cancer
Intestinal Obstruction

* Describe defining characteristics for the lower GI tract disorders discussed
* Develop intervention and teaching plans for the client with a lower GI tract disorder
* Appreciate the psychosocial impact of these disorders for the client and family

Hernia—a protrusion of a portion of the bowel through an abnormal opening or weakness in the muscle wall.
Common locations:
inguinal (men)

Types of Herniation
o Reducible
o Irreducible
o Strangulated: a surgical emergency
* Herniorraphy: puts bowel back in place
* Hernioplasty: repairs muscle weakness

Post op Care
Colon Cancer
Most prevalent in population
Colon Cancer
S/S may vary with tumor location
L sided tumor
R sided tumor
* Fatigue
* Vague crampy/colicky type pain
* Occult blood in stool
* Anemia
Colon Cancer
* Decreased H&H
* CEA elevated
* Stool for occult blood (+)
* Liver tests may be high
* Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy for biopsy
* Barium Enema or CT

Colon Cancer: Collaborative Care
Treatment and prognosis depend on staging results.
Colon Cancer: Collaborative Care
Client education includes dietary impact on ostomy:
Psychosocial issues for the ostomy client:
Other post-op needs:
Intestinal Obstruction
Causes of Intestinal Obstruction
Signs/Symptoms of Obstruction
Treatment of Obstruction
Inflammatory Bowel Syndromes
Acute: Appendicitis
Chronic: Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s disease
Diverticular disease
Nursing care is supportive
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
RLQ abdominal pain
Ulcerative Colitis
Signs/symptoms common to both:
* weight loss
* fatigue
* perineal skin breakdown
* low grade fever
* psychosocial distress
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Complications
Treatment: Medications
Nutrition less than Body Requirements
Important points of care for the client on TPN/PPN
Diverticular disease
Diverticular disease: Nursing care

Non-Inflammatory Bowel Disorders.ppt


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