05 May 2012


Common Childhood Illnesses
Nancy Pares
Common Childhood Illnesses.ppt

Hygiene Skin
Hygiene Skin.ppt

Care of Patients with Skin Problems

Parasitic Infestations, Stings & Bites
Erik Austin, D.O., M.P.H.
Parasitic Infestations, Stings & Bites.ppt


Communicable Diseases
Communicable Diseases.ppt

Personal Hygiene
Personal Hygiene.ppt

Metazoans and Exoparasites
Metazoans and Exoparasites.ppt

Antiviral, Antifungal and Antiparasitic Drugs
Linda Self

Child with an Integumentary Alteration
Child with an Integumentary Alteration.ppt
43 free full text articles

  1. A summary on researches on Thai natural products for treatment of pediculosis.
  2. Prevalence of pediculosis capitis in children from a rural school in Yucatan, Mexico.
  3. Entodermoscopy: dermoscopy for the diagnosis of pediculosis.
  4. Dermoscopic diagnosis of pediculosis capitis.
  5. Pediculosis in two research ponies Equus caballus.
  6. Metal microchanelled fine-toothed comb use in the diagnosis of pediculosis.
  7. Pediculosis of the eyelashes.
  8. 'Royal' pediculosis in Renaissance Italy: lice in the mummy of the King of Naples Ferdinand II of Aragon 1467-1496.
  9. Efficacy and safety of spinosad and permethrin creme rinses for pediculosis capitis head lice.
  10. Images in clinical medicine. Pediculosis of the pubis.
  11. Pediculosis prevalence and associated risk factors in a nursery school, Bogotá, Colombia.
  12. Four cases of pediculosis caused by Pthirus pubis Linnaeus, 1758 Diptera: Anoplura from peninsular Malaysia.
  13. Is wet combing effective in children with pediculosis capitis infestation?
  14. Pediculosis: a health problem in the camps of the Iranian former prisoners of war in Iraq.
  15. Scabies and pediculosis pubis: an update of treatment regimens and general review.
  16. Pediculosis in Macaca sylvanus of Gibraltar.
  17. Investigation of pediculosis carried out as the special study module No. 74, a part of Ege University Medical Faculty's educational program.
  18. Prevalence of pediculosis and scabies in preschool nursery children of Afyon, Turkey.
  19. Clinical update on resistance and treatment of Pediculosis capitis.
  20. Pediculosis and scabies.
  21. Review of common therapeutic options in the United States for the treatment of pediculosis capitis.
  22. A study of pediculosis capitis among primary school children in Delhi.
  23. Scabies and pediculosis pubis: an update of treatment regimens and general review.
  24. Scalp pediculosis in school environment in the city of Abidjan: prevalence and influence of socioeconomic conditions.
  25. Pediculosis palpebrarum le.
  26. Images in clinical medicine. Pediculosis capitis.
  27. Pediculosis capitis among urban school children in Ilorin, Nigeria.
  28. Factors associated with pediculosis pubis and scabies.
  29. Insecticides in pediculosis capitis.
  30. Pediculosis capitis head lice. Infectious Diseases and Immunization Committee, Canadian Paediatric Society.
  31. Kerosene application for pediculosis.
  32. Malathion-resistant pediculosis capitis.
  33. Treatment of pediculosis.
  34. Treatment of Pediculosis Capitis with D.D.T.
  35. Treatment of Pediculosis Capitis.
  36. Substances used for Pediculosis Capitis.
  37. Treatment of Pediculosis Capitis.
  38. Pediculosis Capitis and Corneal Lesions.
  39. Pediculosis Capitis and Intelligence in W.A.A.F. Recruits.
  40. Pediculosis.
  41. Pediculosis in Evacuated Children.

1 comment:

  1. maggie.danhakl@healthline.comSeptember 26, 2014 at 12:21 AM

    Hello Anand,

    I hope all is well. I wanted to bring to your attention a resource for lice that I think would be a great addition to you site. Healthline has a lice buyer’s guide that allows you to find the best lice treatment for your family.

    You can see the guide here: http://www.healthline.com/health/lice-buyers-guide

    I am writing to ask if you would include this as a resource on your page: http://med-videos.blogspot.com/2012/05/pediculosis.html

    Our buyer’s guide for lice products allows users to search for lice treatments in 5 different categories, view ratings and reviews for specific products, and receive information on where to purchase products.

    Please consider adding this as a resource to your site as I believe it would be great value to your users.

    I’m happy to answer any additional questions.

    Thanks so much,
    Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
    p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

    Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
    660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
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