26 May 2012

Beryllium Disease

Beryllium disease is the term used to describe various conditions resulting from exposure to beryllium and its compounds or alloys. These conditions can be grouped into acute beryllium disease and chronic beryllium disease.

Risk Estimates for Beryllium Exposure
Kathy Ertell, Tim Takaro, Katie Omri, Lee Newman, Elaine Faustman, Terry Kavanaugh
Risk Estimates for Beryllium Exposure.ppt

Latent Disease Findings
Tim Takaro, Kathlene Omri, Knut Ringen, Carl Brodkin Kathy Ertell, Laura Welch Lillian Sjong, Hank Hartley, Jeanne Sears, John Dement,, and Scott Barnhart
Latent Disease Findings.ppt


Pathogens in Environment
Pathogens in Environment.ppt

Environmental Epidemiology
Janvier Gasana, MD, PhD
Environmental Epidemiology.ppt

Environment Friendly Engineering: An Ethical Responsibility of an Engineer
Environment Friendly Engineering.ppt

“Fear Appeals” in Public Health Campaigns and in Patient/Provider Encounters
Dr. Kim Witte
Fear Appeals.ppt

Occupational Cancer
Tim Morse, Ph.D.
Occupational Cancer.ppt

Extrapulmonary Sarcoidosis
Darrell Laudate
Extrapulmonary Sarcoidosis.ppt

Pulmonary Board Review
Kathryn Robinett
Pulmonary Board Review.ppt

An Introduction To The Health Effects of Metals A Small Dose of Metal
An Introduction To The Health Effects of Metals A Small Dose of Metal.ppt


Respirators and Dust Hazards
Respirators and Dust Hazards.PPT

Interestitial Lung Diseases
Joaquim S.Tavares,MD,FCCP,FAASM
Interestitial Lung Diseases.ppt

70 published scholarly free access

  1. Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, part 3: exposure-response among short-term workers.
  2. Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, part 1: historical exposure reconstruction.
  3. Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, part 2: validation of historical exposures.
  4. Chronic beryllium disease: an updated model interaction between innate and acquired immunity.
  5. Low prevalence of chronic beryllium disease among workers at a nuclear weapons research and development facility.
  6. Crystal structure of HLA-DP2 and implications for chronic beryllium disease.
  7. Deficient and dysfunctional regulatory T cells in the lungs of chronic beryllium disease subjects.
  8. CC chemokine receptor 5 gene polymorphisms in beryllium disease.
  9. Current treatment of chronic beryllium disease.
  10. Beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test surveillance identifies clinically significant beryllium disease.
  11. A reconsideration of acute Beryllium disease.
  12. Progression from beryllium exposure to chronic beryllium disease: an analytic model.
  13. Recent chronic beryllium disease in residents surrounding a beryllium facility: patients' information.
  14. 4-1BB enhances proliferation of beryllium-specific T cells in the lung of subjects with chronic beryllium disease.
  15. Short- and long-term response to corticosteroid therapy in chronic beryllium disease.
  16. Justification for screening for chronic beryllium disease: closer to reality.
  17. Chronic beryllium disease: risk from low-level exposure.
  18. Up-regulation of programmed death-1 expression on beryllium-specific CD4+ T cells in chronic beryllium disease.
  19. Recent chronic beryllium disease in residents surrounding a beryllium facility.
  20. Modulation of lymphocyte proliferation by antioxidants in chronic beryllium disease.
  21. Impact of negatively charged patches on the surface of MHC class II antigen-presenting proteins on risk of chronic beryllium disease.
  22. TGF-beta 1 variants in chronic beryllium disease and sarcoidosis.
  23. Beryllium-induced TNF-alpha production is transcription-dependent in chronic beryllium disease.
  24. Significant improvement from chronic beryllium disease following corticosteroid pulse therapy.
  25. Diagnoses of chronic beryllium disease within cohorts of sarcoidosis patients.
  26. Chronic beryllium disease prevention program; worker safety and health program. Final rule.
  27. Chronic beryllium disease: a model for pulmonary sarcoidosis?
  28. Screening for chronic beryllium disease.
  29. Chronic beryllium disease and sensitization at a beryllium processing facility.
  30. Screening for chronic beryllium disease: one hurdle down, two to go.
  31. Variable response to long-term corticosteroid therapy in chronic beryllium disease.
  32. Beryllium sensitization progresses to chronic beryllium disease: a longitudinal study of disease risk.
  33. Beryllium-ferritin: lymphocyte proliferation and macrophage apoptosis in chronic beryllium disease.
  34. Influence of MHC class II in susceptibility to beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease.
  35. Electrostatic potential on human leukocyte antigen: implications for putative mechanism of chronic beryllium disease.
  36. Skin as a route of exposure and sensitization in chronic beryllium disease.
  37. Measurement of beryllium in lung tissue of a chronic beryllium disease case and cases with sarcoidosis.
  38. HLA-DPB1 and chronic beryllium disease: a HuGE review.
  39. Target organ localization of memory CD4(+) T cells in patients with chronic beryllium disease.
  40. Genetic and environmental risk factors in beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease.
  41. High beryllium-stimulated TNF-alpha is associated with the -308 TNF-alpha promoter polymorphism and with clinical severity in chronic beryllium disease.
  42. Beryllium disease: first case reported in Israel.
  43. HLA-DP allele-specific T cell responses to beryllium account for DP-associated susceptibility to chronic beryllium disease.
  44. Marked tachypnea in siblings with chronic beryllium disease due to copper-beryllium alloy.
  45. Beryllium presentation to CD4+ T cells underlies disease-susceptibility HLA-DP alleles in chronic beryllium disease.
  46. Chronic beryllium disease and cancer risk estimates with uncertainty for beryllium released to the air from the Rocky Flats Plant.
  47. Partial IL-10 inhibition of the cell-mediated immune response in chronic beryllium disease.
  48. Differential susceptibilities to chronic beryllium disease contributed by different Glu69 HLA-DPB1 and -DPA1 alleles.
  49. Increased glutathione and glutathione peroxidase in lungs of individuals with chronic beryllium disease.
  50. Angiotensin-1 converting enzyme polymorphisms in chronic beryllium disease.
  51. Chronic beryllium disease: uncommon disease, less common diagnosis.
  52. Expansions of T-cell subsets expressing particular T-cell receptor variable regions in chronic beryllium disease.
  53. Beryllium-stimulated release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6, and their soluble receptors in chronic beryllium disease.
  54. Risks of beryllium disease related to work processes at a metal, alloy, and oxide production plant.
  55. Cytokine production by bronchoalveolar lavage cells in chronic beryllium disease.
  56. Chronic beryllium disease: diagnosis and management.
  57. The natural history of beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease.
  58. Beryllium stimulates release of T helper 1 cytokines interleukin-2 and interferon gamma from BAL cells in chronic beryllium disease.
  59. Immunology, genetics, and epidemiology of beryllium disease.
  60. Alveolar macrophages from patients with beryllium disease and sarcoidosis express increased levels of mRNA for tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 but not interleukin-1 beta.
  61. Increased TNF-alpha and IL6 mRNA expression by alveolar macrophages in chronic beryllium disease.
  62. Beryllium disease.
  63. New aid for diagnosing chronic beryllium disease (CBD): laser ion mass analysis (LIMA).
  64. Beryllium disease. Necessity for continuing surveillance.
  65. Value of beryllium lymphocyte transformation tests in chronic beryllium disease and in potentially exposed workers.
  66. Diagnosis of chronic beryllium disease.
  67. Beryllium disease. Report of the section of nature and prevalence committee on occupational diseases of the chest--American College of Chest Physicians.
  68. A case of beryllium disease.
  69. Beryllium disease.
  70. A histological study of the lungs in 52 cases of chronic beryllium disease.

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