11 March 2012

Bariatric surgery - weight-loss surgery and 50 free published articles

Bariatric Surgery
Anaďse  Ikama etal

Bariatric Surgery
Tracy Ann Rydel,  MD

Weight Loss Surgery:  The First Step Toward a More Healthy Life
Pre-operative Medications, Post-operative Medications
Weight Loss Surgery.ppt

The Family  Physician’s Role in Managing the Bariatric Surgery Patient
B. Wayne Blount,  M.D., MPH
Managing the Bariatric Surgery.ppt

Medical Nutrition Therapy for Bariatric Surgery
Rebecca  Scheeler
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Bariatric Surgery.ppt

Weight  Loss Surgery - informational Materials
Weight  Loss Surgery.ppt

Anesthesia  for Bariatric Surgery
By:  Vladimir Melnikov MD
Anesthesia  for Bariatric Surgery.ppt

Bariatric Surgery: An Overview
Andrea Cherrington
Bariatric Surgery: An Overview.ppt

Revisional  Bariatric Surgery Indications and potential benefits.
William  Bakhos,MD
Revisional  Bariatric Surgery.ppt

Complications  and Benefits of Bariatric  Surgery
Tracy Robinson
Complications  and Benefits of Bariatric  Surgery.ppt

Gastric Surgery  for Severe Obesity
David L.  Gee, PhD
Gastric Surgery  for Severe Obesity.PPT

Binge  Eating Behavior in Post Bariatric Surgery  Patients
Lowisa  Dohrmund
Post Bariatric Surgery.ppt

Nutrition Practice  Standards for Bariatric Surgery
Dana Eiesland,  RD, LDN
Nutrition Practice  Standards for Bariatric Surgery .ppt

Male Obesity  and Semen Analysis Parameters
Joseph Petty, MD, Samuel Prien, PhD, Amantia Kennedy, MSIV, Sami Jabara, MD
Male Obesity  and Semen Analysis Parameters.ppt

Unintended consequences of bariatric surgery – the changing face of a familiar disease
Andrea Braun MD, Thomas S. Huddle MD
Unintended consequences of bariatric surgery.ppt
Free 50 Published scholarly articles on Bariatric surgery

  1. De novo lipogenesis in adipose tissue is associated with course of morbid obesity after bariatric surgery.
  2. Public perceptions of obesity and bariatric surgery in Singapore: a pilot study.
  3. Understanding the Determinants of Weight-Related Quality of Life among Bariatric Surgery Candidates.
  4. Long term effects of bariatric surgery.
  5. Preoperative weight loss in bariatric surgery candidate patients. evidence-based recommendations.
  6. Quality of food intake after bariatric surgery: vertical gastrectomy versus gastric bypass.
  7. Peripheral polyneuropathy after bariatric surgery for morbid obesity.
  8. Influence of bariatric surgery on remission of type 2 diabetes.
  9. The Bariatric Surgery Patient: Lost to Follow-Up. From Morbid Obesity to Severe Malnutrition.
  10. The complexity of obesity and life after bariatric surgery: a public health issue.
  11. Costs and usage of healthcare services before and after open bariatric surgery.
  12. Anxiety, depression and self-concept among morbid obese patients before and after bariatric surgery.
  13. Interfaces between bariatric surgery and oral health: a longitudinal survey.
  14. Anatomical and functional alterations of the heart in morbid obesity. Changes after bariatric surgery.
  15. Effects of preoperative inspiratory muscle training in obese women undergoing open bariatric surgery: respiratory muscle strength, lung volumes, and diaphragmatic excursion.
  16. Bariatric surgery: an IDF statement for obese Type 2 diabetes.
  17. Sleep study, respiratory mechanics, chemosensitive response and quality of life in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial.
  18. Follow-up after bariatric surgery.
  19. Recommendations for the peri-operative management of bariatric surgery patients: results of a national survey.
  20. Experimental bariatric surgery in rats generates a cytotoxic chemical environment in the gut contents.
  21. Quality of life among patients undergoing bariatric surgery: associations with mental health- A 1 year follow-up study of bariatric surgery patients.
  22. Bariatric Surgery Utilization and Outcomes in 1998 and 2004: Statistical Brief #23.
  23. What are the most frequent complications of Fobi-Capella bariatric surgery and how to treat them?
  24. Fuzzy obesity index (MAFOI) for obesity evaluation and bariatric surgery indication.
  25. Effect of dental status on changes in mastication in patients with obesity following bariatric surgery.
  26. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery: a review.
  27. Bariatric surgery in Canada — bridging the gap.
  28. Prevalence and severity of asthma in obese adult candidates for bariatric surgery.
  29. Pattern of liver function tests in morbidly obese Saudi patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
  30. Management of nutrition--and endocrine metabolism-related complications of bariatric surgery.
  31. Bariatric surgery and multidisciplinary treatment for obesity.
  32. Bariatric surgery: epidemic of the XXI century.
  33. Maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnancy following bariatric surgery.
  34. The meaning of awaiting bariatric surgery due to morbid obesity.
  35. Bariatric surgery.
  36. Comparison of public and private bariatric surgery services in Canada.
  37. Post surgical review of bariatric surgery patients: a feasibility study of multidisciplinary follow up using videoconferencing.
  38. Evaluation of liquid ingestion after bariatric surgery.
  39. Effect of bariatric surgery on future general surgical procedures.
  40. Effects of a balanced energy and high protein formula diet (Vegestart complet®) vs. low-calorie regular diet in morbid obese patients prior to bariatric surgery (laparoscopic single anastomosis gastric bypass): a prospective, double-blind randomized study.
  41. Does bariatric surgery improve the patient's quality of life?
  42. Effect of a multidisciplinar protocol on the clinical results obtained after bariatric surgery.
  43. Bariatric surgery: an IDF statement for obese Type 2 diabetes.
  44. Changes in whole blood gene expression in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes following bariatric surgery: a pilot study.
  45. Bariatric surgery: how and why to supplement.
  46. Metabolic syndrome after bariatric surgery: results depend on the technique used.
  47. Bariatric surgery fo adolescents?.
  48. Perioperative risk factors in obese patients for bariatric surgery: a Singapore experience.
  49. Perianesthetic considerations in laparoscopic bariatric surgery.
  50. Wishing for deburdening through a sustainable control after bariatric surgery.
Bariatric surgery  in pdf format

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