17 February 2012

Urethral stricture Ppt Lecture Notes Publications

Neonatal urinary Obstruction
by Donna C. Queyquep, M.D.

Obstructive  Renal Disorders

Urinary Disorders

Alterations  of Renal and Urinary Tract Function

Genital-urinary  System

Hepatobillary  & Genitourinary

UTI prevention  in Older Patients with Foley Catheters

Uroepithelial Tumors
Terrence C. Demos, MD

Urinary  Incontinence in Older  Adults
by Tomas  L. Griebling, MD, MPH

Prostatic  neoplasms / cancer

Assessment  of the Male Genitourinary System

Acute Renal Failure
by John K. Amory MD

Publications free access:

  1. A case of urethral stricture diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) at voiding.
  2. Comment to: "Rational and selective management of patients with anterior urethral stricture disease".
  3. Comparative anatomical study of three surgical approaches for treating complex posterior urethral stricture.
  4. Rational and selective management of patients with anterior urethral stricture disease.
  5. A novel technique to aid urethral catheterisation in patients presenting with acute urinary retention due to urethral stricture disease.
  6. Adult urethral stricture disease after childhood hypospadias repair.
  7. Antegrade urethrogram: A technique to visualize the proximal bulbous urethral segment in anterior urethral stricture.
  8. Bleomycin induced urethral stricture in Hodgkin's disease.
  9. Complications of transverse distal penile island flap: urethroplasty of complex anterior urethral stricture.
  10. Cystoscopic-guided balloon dilation of a urethral stricture in a female dog.
  11. Discussion on the surgery of urethral stricture.
  12. Discussion on the treatment of urethral stricture and fistulae by excision.
  13. Dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty in long anterior urethral stricture.
  14. Early experience with hyaluronic Acid instillation to assist with visual internal urethrotomy for urethral stricture.
  15. Early versus delayed internal urethrotomy for recurrent urethral stricture after urethroplasty in children.
  16. Full-thickness abdominal skin graft for long-segment urethral stricture reconstruction.
  17. Gonococcal urethral stricture and hypertension. Experience in uganda.
  18. Gonococcal urethral stricture and watering-can perineum.
  19. Gonorrhoea and urethral stricture.
  20. Impact on sexual function after reconstructive surgery for anterior urethral stricture disease.
  21. Incidence of urethral stricture in the male after urethritis.
  22. Increased expression of connective tissue growth factor in patients with urethral stricture.
  23. Internal urethrotomy combined with antegrade flexible cystoscopy for management of obliterative urethral stricture.
  24. Late complications of undetected urethral stricture after cardiac surgery in a child.
  25. Lister's Straight Bougies in the Treatment of Urethral Stricture.
  26. Obliterative urethral stricture: MR urethrography versus conventional retrograde urethrography with voiding cystourethrography.
  27. On the radical cure of urethral stricture by internal urethrotomy.
  28. One-stage transperineal repair of pan-urethral stricture with dorsally placed buccal mucosal grafts: results, complications, and surgical technique.
  29. Pathology and treatment of urethral stricture and its complications in Jamaica.
  30. Re: Dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty in long anterior urethral stricture.
  31. Ruptured pyo-urachus complicated by urethral stricture.
  32. Sachse optical urethrotome in management of urethral stricture in the male: preliminary communication.
  33. Safety and efficacy of laser and cold knife urethrotomy for urethral stricture.
  34. Surgery of urethral stricture.
  35. Surgical treatment of anterior urethral stricture diseases: brief overview.
  36. The morbidity of urethral stricture disease among male medicare beneficiaries.
  37. The Treatment of So-Called Impassable Urethral Stricture.
  38. The treatment of urethral stricture.
  39. Treatment of the posterior urethral stricture: experience with 13 cases.
  40. Treatment of urethral stricture disease by internal urethrotomy followed by intermittent 'low-friction' self-catheterization: preliminary communication.
  41. Treatment of urethral stricture in male children.
  42. Triamcinolone injection following internal urethrotomy for treatment of urethral stricture.
  43. Urethral stricture after cardiac surgery.
  44. Urethral stricture after coronary artery bypass grafting.
  45. Urethral stricture and urethritis in men in Scotland.
  46. Urethral stricture disease - Have we found the magic wand?
  47. Urethral stricture in the male; a survey of one hundred cases.
  48. Urethral stricture.
  49. Urethrography in urethral stricture.
  50. Urinary Extravasation Following Urethral Stricture.

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