25 March 2010

Oral Cavity

Oral Cavity
By:Robert Scranton© 2008

The Tissues
Lining Mucosa
Masticatory Mucosa
* NKSS (nonkeratinized stratified squamous)
* Lamina Propria- loose CT w/ collagen bundles
o Mucous and serous glands
o Fordyce Spots
* Location?
* KSS/PKSS (keratinized/parakeratinized stratified squamous)
* Variable Lamina Propria
* Location?

Lining Mucosa
Don’t forget the soft palate
Diagrams are important

* vermillion zone
* Hair follicle
* Epithelium, what type?
* Skeletal muscle
o what is the name?

Special Mucosa
* Filiform
o Most abundant
o Dorsal surface
* Fungiform
o Occasional tasebuds, CN-VII
* Vallate
o 8-12 along sulcus terminalis
o Crypt
o Serous glands of Von Ebner
o CN- IX, taste buds
* Foliate
o Dorsolateral surfaces, taste buds?

Identify filiform and fungiform
Vallate/ circumvallate

* We origionally have __ baby (________) teeth. Adults have ___ teeth.
* What are the three cell types that form the teeth and what parts do they form?
* What do dentin and enamel have in common?
* Which is acellular?

Mesenchymal CT pulp cavity
Odontoblasts (mesenchyme) Dentin
ameloblasts (ectoderm) Enamel
Ca2+ Hydroxyapatite (calcified organic Matrix
* The little tubules in the teeth, what is their story?
* Damage to What three things can lead to loss of a tooth?
* Dentinal tubules- the tubule that the cytoplasmic process of odontoblasts extend through for nociception
* Canaliculi- the tubules that cementocytes use to maintain cementum
* Bony Socket
* Peridontal ligament
* Cementum

* Alveolar Bone
* Free Gingiva
* Attached Gingiva
* Alveolar Mucosa
* Gingival Ligament
* Gingival Sulcus
* Alveolar Bone
* Dentin
* Peridontal ligament
* Pulp Cavity
* Gingiva
* Odontoblasts
* Predentin
* Dentin
* Cementocytes
* Peridontal Ligament

Salivary Glands
* AKA minor
* Serous
* Mucous
* Mixed
* Means w/in lamina propria
* AKA Major
* Serous
* Serousmucous
* Outside oral cavity
* Has large ducts

Important words
* Serous amylase
* Serous demilunes bacteriolytic lysozyme
* IgA bacteriostatic, resistant to degradation
* Nasopharynx Respiratory Epithelium
* Oropharynx lining mucosa, NKSS
* Laryngopharynx transitional zone so KSS, NKSS

Oral Cavity.ppt

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