06 February 2010

Drugs for Viral Infections

Drugs for Viral Infections

Virus vs. Bacteria

* Compare and contrast structural components of bacteria and viruses
* Describe a viron.
* Identify indications for viral infection pharmacotherapy.

Challenges of Anti-Viral Therapy
* Rapid mutation
* Intracellular nature of virus
* Drugs have narrow spectrum of activity

* Discuss the difference between a virus and a retrovirus.
* Differentiate between HIV infection and AIDS.
* Describe the replication of HIV.

Pharmacotherpy for HIV-AIDS
* Identify the therapeutic goals of therapy.
* Classifications:
o Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI)
o Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI)
o Protease Inhibitors
o Neucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NtRTI)
o Fusion (entry) inhibitor

HIV-AIDS Pharmacotherapy
* Compare and contrast the mechanism of action of:
o Reverse transcriptase inhibitors
o Protease inhibitors
o Fusion inhibitors
* Identify reasons treatment failures occur.

Antiretrovirals: NCs
* Drug is not a cure
* Prior to RX: assess for sx of HIV, opportunistic infection, use of herbals
* Monitor viral load
* Verify ordered combination drugs
* Common side effects:
o Fatigue, headache, GI disturbances
* Other side effects dependent upon specific drug

Antiretrovirals: NCs

* Most contraindicated: pregnancy, lactation
* Side effects can influence ADLs
* NRTIs: cautiously: pancreatitis, PVD, neuropathy, kidney or liver disorders, cardiac disease, alcohol abuse
* NNRTIs: judiciously use in liver impairment, CNS disease
* PIs: potential risks if sensitive to sulfonamides, liver disorders, renal insufficiency

Antiretrovirals: NCs

* Variations in administration instructions:
o NRTIs: empty stomach, water only, no fruit juice
o Nevirapine (Viramune) and saquinavir (Invirase) – take with food to decrease GI upset
o Contact HCP before taking any OTC med or supplement

Antiretrovirals: Client Teaching

* NRTIs: report fever, skin rash, abd pain, n/v, numbness or burning of hands/feet
* NNRTIs: report fever, chills, rash, blistering or reddening of the skin, muscle or joint pain
* PIs: report rash, abd pain, headache, insomnia, fever, constipation, cough, fainting, visual changes

Antiretrovirals: Client Teaching

* Wash hands frequently; avoid crowds
* Increase fluid intake; empty bladder frequently
* Abstinence or barrier contraception
* Do not share needles
* Take medications as ordered
* Sufficient rest and sleep; healthy diet
* Keep all scheduled appts and lab visits

Perinatal HIV Transmission
Discuss pharmacotherapy for the prevention of perinatal transmission.

Occupation Exposure
* Identify risk factors for occupational exposure to HIV.
* Describe post HIV exposure prophylaxis.

Herpesvirus Infections
* HSV-1
* HSV-2
* Herpesvirus 6
o Children: roseola
o Immunocompromised: hepatitis or encephalitis

Herpesvirus Infections
* Triggering events:
o Immunosuppression
o Physical challenges
o Emotional stress

* Pharmacologic goals:
o Relieve acute symptoms
o Prevent recurrences

Antivirals: NCs
* Baseline: VS, wt, CBC, viral cultures, LFTs, RFTs
* Cautiously: pre-exisiting renal or liver dysfunction
* Judiciously: pregnancy
* Routes: IV, oral, topical, inhalation
o instruct re: proper technique
o Emphasize compliance

Antivirals: NCs
* Generally well tolerated:
o Take with food if GI upset
* Severe adverse reactions:
o Renal Failure, Thrombocytopenia
* More frequently side effects:
o Headache
o Fatigue
o Dizziness

Antivirals: Client Teaching

* Meds do not prevent transmission
o avoid activities that may transmit
* Immediately report: hematuria, bruising, jaundice, fever, chills, confusion, nervousness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting
* Complete full course of treatment
* Keep scheduled appts and lab visits

Antivirals: Client Teaching

* Caution while performing hazardous activities
* No other prescription, OTC, herbals or supplements without HCP approval
* Apply topicals with applicator or glove
* No other creams, ointments, or lotions to infected sites


* Describe the characteristics of influenza.
* Differentiate between primary and secondary pharmacotherapy for influenza infections.
* Differentiate between antiviral and neuroaminidase inhibitor therapy.

Viral Hepatitis
* Caused by several different viruses with unique clinical features
* All cause inflammation and necrosis of liver cells
* Acute
o Fever, chills, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting
* Chronic
o Prolonged fatigue, jaundice, liver cirrhosis, hepatic failure

Viral Hepatitis

* Differentiate between Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.
* Compare and contrast pharmacotherapy for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.

Viral Hepatitis Exposure
Compare and contrast post-exposure prophylaxis for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.

Drugs for Viral Infections.ppt

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