Endoscopy in Crohn’s Disease
By:Peter Darwin, MD
Director of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
University of Maryland Hospital
Division of Gastroenterology
* Case histories
* Diagnosis
* Assessment of response
* Dysplasia and surveillance
* Bleeding
* Stricture management
* Emerging technology
Case 1
Case 2
* Asymmetric patchy inflammation
* Skip lesions
* Rectal sparring
* Ulcerations
* Biopsy
o Erosions and normal mucosa
o Granulomas in 15 to 35% of specimens
Assessment of Response
* Endoscopic monitoring may have a role with biologic agents
* Subgroup of the ACCENT-1 trial
o Mucosal healing with infliximab, time to relapse is significantly prolonged
+ 9 with endoscopic healing remained in remission for a median of 20 weeks
+ 4 clinical remission only, relapse after a median of 4 weeks
Dysplasia and Surveillance
* Extensive colitis > 8 years
* Accuracy in predicting dysplasia correlates with # of biopsies
* Annual colonoscopy with multiple biopsy specimens
o 4 circumferential each 10 cm
Approach to Polypoid Lesions
Adenoma like DALM
Outside colitis
Within colitis
Regular surveillance
No dysplasia
No carcinoma
Flat dysplasia
Increased surveillance
Chawla A, Lichtenstein G. Gastrointest Endoscopy Clin N Am 12 (2002) 525-534
Hemorrhage in Crohn’s
* Acute major hemorrhage is uncommon
* Bleeding can occur in any segment
* Massive hemorrhage is usually from an ulcer eroding into a vessel
* Resuscitation
* Endoscopy vs tagged RBC scan to localize a bleeding segment
* Avoid embolization if possible
Hemorrhage in Crohn’s
* No data to support cautery or injection therapy
* Surgical intervention
* Consider tattooing of the site
* Database review from 1989 to 1996
o 1739 patients / 31 (1.8%) due to IBD
o 3 with UC and 28 with CD / 1 UGI source
o None hematemesis
o GI hemorrhage in 0.1% UC and 1.2% CD
* Diagnostic evaluation
o Source found by colonoscopy in 25 patients (25%) and EGD in 2 patients
Pardi D, Loftus E, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 1999;49:153-7.
Acute Major GI hemorrhage in IBD
Endoscopic Therapy for Patients with CD and Focal Sites of hemorrhage
Patient Site Stigmata Endoscopic Rx Medical Rx
1 Duodenum clot Injection Corticosteroids ranitidine
2 Jejunum oozing ulcer Injection Corticosteroids ranitidine
3 Colon clot Injection with Corticosteroids
coagulation metronidazole
Clinical Course
Balloon Dilation of Strictures
Descending Colon Stricture
Colonic Strictures
* No randomized clinical trials
* Consider nonsurgical management if:
o Endoscopically accessible
o Multiple prior resections
o Shorter strictures (less than 5 cm)
o Steroid injection if significant inflammation
Malignant Potential
* Increased incidence of colonic and small bowel carcinoma
* Higher risk with longer duration of disease
* Stricture biopsy required
* Utilize thin caliper scopes to evaluate proximal to the stenosis
Balloon Dilation of Strictures
* High success rate for anastamotic strictures
* Used for colonic and duodenal stenosis
* TTS balloons 15 to 18 mm for 1 minute
* Fluoroscopy only if needed
* Successful if scope passed post
* Medical treatment
* Complications
Injection of Corticosteroids
* Post dilation
* Sclerotherapy needle
* Triamcinolone 40 mg/ml – 1 cc in 4 quadrants at site of maximal inflammation/stenosis
Intestinal Stents
* Limited data
* Migration is common
* Coated metal enteral stents / plastic stents may be of benefit
Endoscopic Balloon Dilation of Ileal Pouch Strictures
* Aim: evaluate outpatient ileal pouch stricture dilation
* Methods: Nonfluroscopy, nonsedated dilation with 11-18 mm TTS balloons in 19 consecutive patients
Shen B, Fazio V, Remzi F, et al. Am J Gastro 2004;99:2340-47.
Inlet and Outlet Strictures
Clinical Presentation
n (%)
Abdominal pain
Perianal pain
Nausea or vomiting
Daily use of antidiarrheal agents
Weight loss
Types of Strictures
Number Inlet Outlet of cases strictures strictures
Crohn’s disease of the pouch Cuffitis
Pouch Disease Activity Index
Strictures Scores
Cleveland Global Quality of Life Scores
Emerging Technology
* Double balloon enteroscopy
* Endoscopic ultrasound
* Optical coherence tomography
* Magnification chromoendoscopy
Takayuki Matsumoto, Tomohiko Moriyama, et. al.
Gastrointest Endosc 2005;62 :392-8
Optical Coherence Tomography
* Based on low-coherence
* High resolution imaging
* Uses light (not sound)
* Resolution 10X greater than EUS
* No acoustic coupling
Magnification Chromoendoscopy
* Utilizes magnifying endoscopes with tissue stains to better characterize the mucosa
* May improve efficacy of surveillance colonoscopy
o 165 patients with UC randomized to conventional screening vs CE.
o Targeted biopsies
o Identified more areas of dysplasia
Kiesslich R, Fritch J, et. al. Gastro 2002;124:880-8.
Colonic Pit Pattern
Huang Q, Norio F, et. al. Gastrointest Endosc 2004; 60:520-6.
Case 1
* The patient is a 28 year old man with isolated iliocolonic Crohn’s disease resected 8 years prior.
* Was without symptoms but has developed intermittent abdominal distension, bloating and emesis requiring admission.
* SBFT shows a 1 cm tight anastamotic stenosis
* Is attempt at endoscopic management appropriate?
Case 2
* 19 year old student presents with several months of vague epigastic discomfort, night sweats and weight loss.
* Evaluation shows a microcytic anemia and thrombocytosis.
* Abdominal CT shows a thickened mid-ileum without lymphadenopathy. Attempts to intubate the TI during colonoscopy were unsuccessful.
* Is tissue needed prior to treatment ?
Pancreatic Cancer: The Use of Endosonography
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