27 September 2009

Planning, Development of Clinical Trials

Planning of Clinical Trials
Development of a Clinical Trial
Reviews from the experts(Sponsor or CRO)
First planning meeting (basic design features)
Second planning meeting (draft protocol)
Final protocol (ethical and scientific, signed by a statistician)
Evaluation (scientific review, IRB, funding)
Final analysis and publication

Evolution of Trial Structure
* Large cooperative trials (multicenter trials)
* High scientific level protocol
* Well-defined administrative structure
* Control of performance at all levels (SOPs)
* Competent biometric advice (ICH E9)
* Careful ethical considerations

Why Multicenter Trials?
* Small but important effect
* Enhance generalizability of the results
* Bring new treatment to the community

Clinical Trial Protocol
* A detailed plan giving instructions to the study investigators(doctors) about the way

to conduct the study.
o Contributors to the protocol development
+ investigators,
+ medical personnel from the Sponsor or delegated CRO
+ representatives from the study monitoring team
+ project statistician

Crucial Roles of Statisticians
* Design (very important!!!)
* Monitoring
* Analysis
* Reporting
* New statistical methodology

Sophisticated Statistical Techniques
* O’Brien and Fleming Boundaries
* Lan & DeMets “Spending function”
* Equivalence testing
* Repeated measures
* Bayesian methods
* Nonlinear random effect modeling

Functions of Clinical Trial Protocol
* Guideline for the conduct of the trial
* Quality control for all aspects of a clinical trial
* To provide guidelines to the monitoring groups such as: IEC / IDMC.
* Written agreement between:
o the investigator
o the participant,
o and the scientific community
* Legal documents for
o FDA and other regulatory bodies
* To procure funding

Duration of Protocol Development
4-50 pages long!!!

Three Fundamental Aspects
* Which patients are eligible
* Which treatment are to be evaluate
* How each patient’s response is to be assessed

* Rationale
* Unpublished work of the investigators
* Pharmacological and toxicity
* Any new and non standard methods

Specific Objectives
* New treatment
* New indication
* Determine the best of a number of standard treatments
* To provide additional data on safety or efficacy

o Hypothesis
o Patient population (operational definition)
+ Inclusion Criteria
+ Exclusion Criteria
More homogeneous less generalizable!!

Treatment Regimens
Required procedures for treatment administration, including precise rules for does


Trial Design
Control groups
+ Define and justify the control group
+ Safety consideration of the placebo group
+ Randomization (verifiable method)
# Method used to generate the allocation schedule
# Method of allocation concealment
* Packing number
* Telephone
* Remote data entry
# Timing of assignment
+ Balance on Prognostic Factors
# Stratification
# Minimization
+ Mechanism of treatment blinding
+ Single, double, triple, quadruple blinding
+ Assessment of the effectiveness of blinding

Experimental design
+ Parallel designs
+ Cross-over designs
+ Factorial designs
+ Sequential designs

* Patient management guidelines, including specifications for does reductions, treatment

delays and treatment terminations
* Schedules of required clinical tests and assessments

Follow-up phase
* Schedule of submission of required materials and data, including long-term follow-up
* Data and materials submission procedures

* Procedures for ending patients’ participation in the trial

Study Flow Diagram
* A flowchart describe how patients progress through the trial
o Initial screening
o Randomization
o Planned schedule
o Follow-up visits
o Early termination

Outcome Measures
* Primary end points
Secondary end points

Statistical Issues
* Power analysis justifying sample size requirements
* Interim monitoring and analysis plans
* Planned time and methodology of final analyses e.g. ITT, PP, NNT, CI
* Methods on secondary aims, compare toxicities

Ethics and Safety
* Protection of the trial patient’s right and safety
o How the patient is approached for entry into the trial
o Regulatory obligations, including informed consent and reporting of adverse

o Plan and action if a SAE be detacted

Other Topics in a Study Protocol
* Laboratories
* Compliance
o How compliance is monitored
o Methods used to improve compliance
* Organization
o Roles
o Responsibilities
* Budget
* Study Forms (CRFs) and data handling
* Administrative responsibilities

CRF Design
* Identification data
* Research data
* Administrative data
* Regulatory data

Basic Information in CRF
* Consent dates
* Eligibility checklist
* Baseline assessments
* Dosing of study medications ( incl. compliance)
* Concomitant illness
* Safety
* Effectiveness
* Premature termination of study

Administrative Structure of Multicentre Trials
* Steering Committee
o Leadership body of the investigative group
* Data and Safety Monitoring Committee
o Assess the progress, safety and efficacy
o Recommendations about continue, modify or terminate.

Study Chairman
* Chair steering committee
* Responsible for the overall project
* Overseeing the design and conduct of the trial
* Implementation of SOPs and good clinical practices
* Compliance with international and local regulations.

Coordinating Centre
o Training
o Registration
o Randomization
o Supplying
o Collecting and processing CRFs
o Coordination of accrual sites
o Auditing study sites
o Regulatory reporting

Statistical Centre
o Data entry and processing
o Ongoing monitoring of toxicity data
o Periodical interim analysis of study endpoints
o Final data analyses
o Preparation abstract and manuscripts

Central Laboratory

Other Major Personnel
* Trial statistician
* Clinical research associate
* Data manager
* Randomization specialist
* Quality assurance officer
* Computer support personnel
* Resource Centre Directors
* Training directors
* Field site personnel
* Independent Data Monitoring Committee

Field Site Personnel
* Investigator/Study coordinator
* Research Nurse/
o Participants accrual
o Intervention
o Primary data collection
o Follow-up

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
* To ensure that the specific tasks in the trial are carried out in a consistent manner.
* Topics for SOPs for Investigators:

General Topics
* General quality assurance
* Quality control procedures
* Research personnel qualifications
* Clinical audit
* Regulatory authority inspections

* Initial and continuing review by ethics committees
* Informed consent
* Consent forms and information sheets

Study Setup
* Review of:
o investigator brochures
o Protocols
o Protocol amendments
o CRFs
o agreements (e.g. responsibility, financial, confidential, insurance/indemnity


Monitoring and Initial Data Review:
* Monitoring visits
* Source data verification
* Data query

Management of Study Medications and Clinical Laboratory Samples:
* Shipment
* Receipt
* Control at study sites
* Dispensing inventory
* Compliance with use of study medication
* Randomization procedures
* Clinical laboratory samples

Safety Event Reporting
* Definitions
* Recording and reporting AEs
* Recording and reporting AEs to ethics committees;

Closing The Study
* Review of clinical study reports
* Premature termination or suspension
* Archiving

Some Important ICH Guidelines
* E2A Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting
* E3 Structure and Content of Clinical Study Report (1995)
* E6 Good Clinical Practice (1996)
* E7 Clinical Trials in Special Populations: Geriatrics (1993)
* E8 General Consideration for Clinical Trials (1997)
* E9 Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials (1998)
* E10 Choice of Control Group in Clinical Trials (TBI)
o ICH home page: http://www.ifpma.org/ich1.html
o FDA guidelines: http://www.fda.gov/cder/regulatory/default.htm

Federal Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
* OHRP is responsible for monitoring subject protections at more than 4,000 HHS

(Department of Health and Human Services) funded universities, hospitals and other research


Investigational Melanoma Vaccine Research Study (MV)- Oklahoma Case
* OHRP Halts Human Research at University of Oklahoma for Subject Protection Violations
* Suspension Date: June 29 2000
* Suspension of 75 federally funded clinical trials performed though the Tulsa campus

Major OHRP Findings:
* MV failure to meet GMP
* allowed for potential subject exposure to bacterial and viral infections.
* 26 of 96 subjects (vaccine arm) died.
* Investigators failed to ensure that risks to subjects were minimized.

Major OHRP Findings:
* Incomplete informed consent documents
o the purpose of the study
o Procedures
o Foreseeable risks and discomforts
o Any expected benefit from study participation
o Overstated the benefits of the study as capable of preventing the recurrence of

melanoma or reducing existing tumor mass
* IRB failure to meet its federal regulatory obligations.
* Implemented substantive changes to the study without obtaining IRB approval.
* Failure to adhere to the protocol inclusion/exclusion criteria.
* Recruited 96 patients with IRB approved size <=40.
* Directly ship study vaccine to some subject’s homes for self-administration.

Actions Taken
* Independent accreditation of a newly formed Tulsa IRB
* Require that sponsor use DSMB as a condition for approval;
* Mandatory certification in human subject protection for those involved in the conduct

of clinical studies
* Educational program specially for clinical investigators, research staffs and IRB


* Director of the Office of Research resigned
* Chair of IRB retired
* PI (Former Vice Chairman of the University’s dept. of Surgery) has been relieved of

all his administrative duty at the University, which in process of terminating his

appointment as a tenured faculty member.
* Federal lawsuit against
o study’s PI,
o its corporate co-sponsor
o and its IRB members,
* Violations of
o human subject protection regulations,
o international recognized ethical standards for research conduct
o and civil rights laws.

Controlled Clinical Trial
A Journal
* An official journal for the Society for Clinical Trials
* The first issue was published in the May of 1980.
* Aim and scope:
o Basic Design
o Operating features
o Organization
o Analysis

Other Useful Journals
* Applied Clinical Trials
* Statistical Methods in Medical Research
* Statistics in Medicine
* Biometrics

Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials ICH E9
* Considerations for overall clinical development
* Trial design considerations
* Trial conduct considerations
* Data analysis considerations
* Evaluation of safety and Tolerability
* Reporting

Scope of Trials (ICH E9)
* Population
* Primary and Secondary Variables
* Composite variables
* Global Assessment variables
* Multiple Primary Variables
* Surrogate Variables
* Categorized Variables

Design Techniques to Avoid Bias (ICH E9)
* Blinding
* Randomization

Trial Design Considerations (ICH E9)

* Design Configuration
* Parallel Group Design
* Cross-over Design
* Factorial Design
* Mulitcentre Trials

Trial Design Considerations (ICH E9)

* Type of Comparison
o Trials to show superiority
o Trials to show Equivalence or Non-inferiority
o Trials to show Does-response Relationship
* Group sequential designs
* Sample Size
* Data capture and Processing

Trial Conduct Considerations
(ICH E9)
* Trial Monitoring and Interim Analysis
* Changes in Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
* Accrual Rates
* Sample Size Adjustment
* Interim Analysis and Early stopping
* Role of IDMC

Data Analysis Considerations
(ICH E9)
* Prespecification of the Analysis
* Analysis Sets
o Full Analysis Set
o Per Protocol Set
o Roles of the Different Analysis Sets
* Missing Values and Outliers

Data Analysis Considerations
(ICH E9)
* Data Transformation
* Estimation, CIs and Hypothesis Testing
* Adjustment of Significance and Confidence Levels
* Subgroups, Interactions and Covariates
* Integrity Data and Computer Software Validity

Planning, Development of Clinical Trials.ppt

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