Thoracic Trauma
Dave Lloyd, MD
Introduction to Thoracic Injury
* Vital Structures
* 25% of MVC deaths are due to thoracic trauma
* Abdominal injuries are common with chest trauma.
* Prevention Focus
Anatomy and Physiology of the Thorax
* Thoracic Skeleton
* Diaphragm
* Associated Musculature
* Physiology of Respiration
* Trachea, Bronchi & Lungs
* Mediastinum
* Heart
* Contraction Cycle
* Great Vessels
* Esophagus
* Blunt Trauma
* Penetrating Trauma
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma
Injuries Associated with Penetrating Thoracic Trauma
* Closed pneumothorax
* Open pneumothorax (including sucking chest wound)
* Tension pneumothorax
* Pneumomediastinum
* Hemothorax
* Hemopneumothorax
* Laceration of vascular structures
* Tracheobronchial tree lacerations
* Esophageal lacerations
* Penetrating cardiac injuries
* Pericardial tamponade
* Spinal cord injuries
* Diaphragm trauma
* Intra-abdominal penetration with associated organ injury
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma Chest Wall Injuries
* Contusion
* Rib Fractures
* Sternal Fracture & Dislocation
* Flail Chest
* Simple Pneumothorax
* Open Pneumothorax
* Tension Pneumothorax
* Dyspnea
* Progressive ventilation/perfusion mismatch
* Hypoxemia
* Hyperinflation of injured side of chest
* Hyperresonance of injured side of chest
* Diminished then absent breath sounds on injured side
* Cyanosis
* Diaphoresis
* Hypotension
* Hypovolemia
* Tracheal Shifting
* Hemothorax
* Blunt or penetrating chest trauma
* Shock
* Dull to percussion over injured side
* Pulmonary Contusion
* Myocardial Contusion
* Bruising of chest wall
* Tachycardia and/or irregular rhythm
* Retrosternal pain similar to MI
* Associated injuries
* Chest pain unrelieved by oxygen
* Pericardial Tamponade
* Dyspnea
* Possible cyanosis
* Beck’s Triad
* Weak, thready pulse
* Shock
* Kussmaul’s sign
* Pulsus Paradoxus
* Electrical Alterans
* Myocardial Aneurysm or Rupture
* Traumatic Aneurysm or Aortic Rupture
* Other Vascular Injuries
* Traumatic Esophageal Rupture
* Tracheobronchial Injury
* Traumatic Asphyxia
* Scene Size-up
* Initial Assessment
* Rapid Trauma Assessment
* Ongoing Assessment
* Ensure ABC’s
* Anticipate Myocardial Compromise
* Shock Management
* Rib Fractures
* Sternoclavicular Dislocation
* Flail Chest
* Open Pneumothorax
* Tension Pneumothorax
* Hemothorax
* Myocardial Contusion
* Pericardial Tamponade
* Aortic Aneurysm
* Tracheobronchial Injury
* Traumatic Asphyxia
Thoracic Trauma.ppt
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